Author Topic: Game X-Treme Change  (Read 4668 times)

Required? I guess it means required. Not much else makes sence.

He wants stuff from BAC's pack. He wants bots. He wants exxesive admin tools. HE wants all that from bac's pack. Not going to happen, sorry.

Ok! But... I am using BAC's pack..... whatever......... and the man it says to get off me from the internet (10 years old) i give you a point: SHUT UP AND STOP POSTING IN THIS TOPIC THEN! and.... a language filter.... (really requed ) at least for me :P

READ MY PROFILE! IM ROMANIAN! I DOTN KNOW TO MUCH ENGLISH! *****!!! sorry for swearing but.... *****!!!

"the man it says to get off me from the internet (10 years old) i give you an point"
Dude that made no fcking sense, my brother is six and he can spell better than you.

And wtf is "requed"?

you don't need to know English to spell simple words right.
And have some grammar.
Besides, if you don't know much English;
- What the hell are you doing on this website?
- How do you even navigate through this website?

oh and, so what if you're Romanian, I'm assuming you live either in US or Canada, so why don't you learn some English?

I'm Russian, and that doesn't mean I should be spewing out random ideas with complete ignorance to whether it is possible or not, and ignoring my typing. At least proof reading your typing so you "dotn" make such silly mistakes.
You illiterate jerk.  :nes:

oh and, so what if you're Romanian, I'm assuming you live either in US or Canada, so why don't you learn some English?
Why would ANYONE assume that if someone is a Romanian that s/he would be living anywhere else than Romania? :|

oh and, so what if you're Romanian, I'm assuming you live either in US or Canada, so why don't you learn some English?
Why would ANYONE assume that if someone is a Romanian that s/he would be living anywhere else than Romania? :|

I'm assuming he lives in the US or Canada because knows a little English.
Just because your Romanian, or Greek, or anything else doesn't mean you have to live in that country.
Notice I said "so what if you're Romanian"
not "Since your Romanian I'm assuming you live in the US"

I'm assuming he lives in the US or Canada because knows a little English.
One word: WHY?

I mean, come on, since when do you have to live in North America to know how to speak English? No, wait, don't tell me you never heard of this place called United Kingdom, or at least this little part of it called ENGLAND?

Nevertheless, it's somewhat silly to automatically assume someone is living in an English-speaking country just because he knows an itty bit of English. Look at me, for example. Never set foot outside Finland.

i dont like bots.

that whole fad was pointless in 0002

Ok! But... I am using bac's pack..... Watever......... And the man it says to get off me from the internet (10 years old) i give you an point: SHUT UP AND STOP POSTING TO THIS TOPIC THEN! and.... an language filter.... (really requed) at least for me :P

Point proven.

He wants stuff from BAC's pack. He wants bots. He wants exxesive admin tools. HE wants all that from bac's pack. Not going to happen, sorry.

Ok! But... I am using bac's pack..... Watever......... And the man it says to get me off from the internet (10 years old) i give you an point: SHUT UP AND STOP POSTING ON THIS TOPIC THEN! and.... A language filter.... (really requed) at least for me :P
hmm how bout a grammer filter

He wants stuff from BAC's pack. He wants bots. He wants exxesive admin tools. HE wants all that from bac's pack. Not going to happen, sorry.

Ok! But... I am using bac's pack..... Watever......... And the man it says to get me off from the internet (10 years old) i give you an point: SHUT UP AND STOP POSTING ON THIS TOPIC THEN! and.... A language filter.... (really requed) at least for me :P
hmm how bout a grammer filter

No, he needs both.  :cookieMonster:

Uhmm.... Ok and grammar and filter..... But i think this is an suggestion topic.... Not an language topic.... Bro..... Whatever......

Obviously has never tried blockland.

Obviously has never tried blockland.
its from freakin' march blockland wasnt out then and dont bump.....