Author Topic: A little compassion and patience goes a long way.  (Read 15129 times)

See what Magick accomplishes? He makes people feel good

Don't you want to feel good an a daily basis

ike hates me woo

It's not a particularly good thing.

I mean, if more than one person hates you, it's you, not them that has the problem.

I recommend you find a way to change your attitude before you get banned.

ike hates me woo
Who doesn't hate you, you're a useless prick who contributes nothing of value. This is true for many users, I avoid this by showing off models and never releasing them.

I starting to dislike D3ATHCAT.

Those are very different things. Being logic-based means you see through a mask of unclarities and uncertainties. Being a prick is posting stuff like that on forums filled with children that used to have hope for a long and happy future. Doing it 24/7 means you really need to take a break from the computer.
No, it means you need evidence for everything said and you can't take a joke.

Did I ever say I have never been mean before? No.

Did I ever say I have never been mean before? No. All I said is the forums needs to be a little less aggressive. I never said that everybody has to be perfect, or anything.

The fact that you took this thread out of context just to one-up me is saddening.

Oh no, I made you sad, whatever will I do?

You, once again, are making yourself seem like the hero. The forums will never change because people will always think that just because this is the Internet, they are untouchable, and they think that usually because they are.

If you want us to try to hard to be nicer, to be less aggressive, to even try to make the forums a better place, I think you, the person who wants it the most, should give this little idea a jumpstart. You're all talk and no action, as usual - I'm not trying to be rude, but its consistent. You want change? Be the change. A wildfire started with a spark.

Oh no, I made you sad, whatever will I do?

You, once again, are making yourself seem like the hero. The forums will never change because people will always think that just because this is the Internet, they are untouchable, and they think that usually because they are.

If you want us to try to hard to be nicer, to be less aggressive, to even try to make the forums a better place, I think you, the person who wants it the most, should give this little idea a jumpstart. You're all talk and no action, as usual - I'm not trying to be rude, but its consistent. You want change? Be the change. A wildfire started with a spark.
If he starts first, then how is he going to carry it out? Giving people hugs and kisses? No. That just pisses people off. He has to be aggressive, clear minded, and come out with the flat out truth in order for this 'idea' to work.

If he starts first, then how is he going to carry it out? Giving people hugs and kisses? No. That just pisses people off. He has to be aggressive, clear minded, and come out with the flat out truth in order for this 'idea' to work.
but it wont

I've noticed a ton of aggressive people lately, they just say "dude ur retartd" because you didn't know something that seems blatantly obvious to them. Rookie promised he would be nicer so we gave him another chance, and now he's being douchey again. Lots of times some guy will make a run-on sentence for his post and people will get angry at him and not tell him what he's doing wrong, or stay on topic.

I've noticed a ton of aggressive people lately, they just say "dude ur retartd" because you didn't know something that seems blatantly obvious to them. Rookie promised he would be nicer so we gave him another chance, and now he's being douchey again. Lots of times some guy will make a run-on sentence for his post and people will get angry at him and not tell him what he's doing wrong, or stay on topic.
Yes, people with a clear mind believed me.
But, the people with mindless followers "respect" let it get to their heads and can't accept anything but their own opinion of me. The tragedy is that so many idiots look up to them and give them power to practically run the forum and can decide who is a troll who is a douche and who should be constantly flamed.
For some reason I still don't understand is that I got the worst end of it.