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Author Topic: Nick's 8Bit Adventure - Updates Anyone? [12/28/2010 - 3:30 P.M.]  (Read 3854 times)

Logo By Cybertails

General Information
Basically I decided to have another go at a 2D platformer game and I decided to go retro. I'm not accepting members this time since I plan on making this a solo project. Feel free to submit ideas and feedback though! :D This is also made in Game Maker but the game is mostly comprised of code rather than events.

Overall: 5%
Sprites: 5%
Sounds/Music: 5%
Coding: 10%
Campaign: 1%

12/28/2010 - 3:30 P.M.
Sorry I haven't been updating. Here's some small changes.
- Fixed temp grapple blocks
     + Just didn't work overall. Had an issue with the delay.
- Hardcore mode fixed
     + There was an exploit where you could respawn without going back to level 1
- Almost done with level 3

12/25/2010 - 5:00 P.M.
Barely had time to work on my game today because of Christmas and all that shiz.
- Fixed respawn exploit (AGAIN)
     + My "other" fix opened up another exploit
- Fixed death cam
     + Shortened timespan and fixed camera angle
- Started working on level 3
      + Level concept provided by everybody's favorite troll, yogamoanyo
- Added better hit detection when it comes to jumping

12/24/2010 - 5:00 P.M.
- Fixed respawn exploit in Hardcore mode
      + Lol you could respawn even if you weren't dead.
- Fixed another grappling hook exploit
- Added non-grapple blocks (to piss you off)
- Added temp-grapple blocks (to give you the illusion of safety)
- Began drawing out sketches of soon to be levels

12/23/2010 - 10:20 P.M.
Did some more work. Mostly bug patching. Hue.
- Fixed grappling hook exploit
     + Once player.y is larger than hook.y the grapple entity is automatically destroyed.
- Fixed camera angle on death cam... Sorta...
- Added tutorial level
- Finished hardcore mode
     + Don't die. Even if you're on the last level you'll be sent back to the first level upon death. You also can't save. Good luck. Heh.

12/23/2010 - 4:40 P.M.
Procrastinated a lot today but got some work done.
v0.1 Build_2
- Grappling hook (I'm batman!)
- Death cam (to rub it in)
- Began working on hardcore mode (so you can rage)
- Added main menu (so you can... I dunno? Click stuff?)
- New dev video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDxL-_lMjwk

12/23/2010 - 2:00 A.M.
Well I started this project like at 10:00 P.M. and I've been working for four hours straight and I'm tired as hell. I'll wake up early and get a lot of work done though. No use in posting a changelog since this is the first update. Enjoy!
P.S. Yes my name is Nick. Suck it. :P
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 02:45:01 AM by keonesan »

You stole TheSushi's name!

once i finally obtain WinXP SP3 and Paint.NET, i can provide some sprites

once i finally obtain WinXP SP3 and Paint.NET, i can provide some sprites

Sounds tempting but I want this to be a solo project. I'll probably wind up changing my mind though once I become completely frustrated that I can't draw for stuff.

Sounds tempting but I want this to be a solo project. I'll probably wind up changing my mind though once I become completely frustrated that I can't draw for stuff.

actually getting both will take l0ts of time, so i dunno

I saw a youtube comment saying I should implement scrolling. Honestly I enjoy the fullscreen feature. Should I keep it?

Gah found a typo. "to prove is worthiness"

God dammit! XD

Shameless triple post get!

Anyways I've confirmed that I'm going to add "Hardcore" mode. No saves, no checkpoints. Don't die. >:D

Death = Back To Level 1

Even if you may be on the last level. :P

Music is RUSH COIL 8-bit christmas
http://8bitchristmas.com/ - gloria
Also keonesan, ye got steam? :V

Music is RUSH COIL 8-bit christmas
http://8bitchristmas.com/ - gloria
Also keonesan, ye got steam? :V


Very nice, but... Dang. Level one looks hard. And that one jump that you kept on missing must've been difficult.

Very nice, but... Dang. Level one looks hard. And that one jump that you kept on missing must've been difficult.

It's not going to be level one. It was more of a level just to showcase the game and to test. I also plan on making a tutorial level.

Also dev update:

So far... I made the main menu. Whoopdy-freakin-doo.