Author Topic: The Blockland Bulletin  (Read 18438 times)

Two people have shown interest and are undergoing a trial project, if they want to proceed.
Cool, so I'm guessing "no" oh and. Du Jew plays miencrafty? Trololololol. If you need another writer ask me.

Uh, Kilser. The trial is a project where they have to write an article based off a fictional event. They are given the details and have to write up a story. So, I don't see how thats an immediate "no". I have to ensure I don't get crappy writers who'll rooster up the format and cause inconsistencies.

Whoever has been logging in as anonymous and leaving stupid trollish messages is being ignored. While I was happy to answer some of the comments from whoever this was, its gotten to the point of utter stupidity. I just removed a comment that just asked me to change the article "Ion Cannon Leak Poses Threat To Server Quality" because it doesn't directly mention why the threat is there. Holy stuff, put two and two together. Its like reading an article called "Fast Car Driving Around School Is Threat To Students" and then asking why. Either thats trolling or the person is extremely thick. Because thats stupidity you can't even pay for.

Uh, Kilser. The trial is a project where they have to write an article based off a fictional event. They are given the details and have to write up a story. So, I don't see how thats an immediate "no". I have to ensure I don't get crappy writers who'll rooster up the format and cause inconsistencies.
Well then. I understand you don't want idoit's writing for you. I under stand my choice of words (no) were incorrect. I am writing on an Ipod, thus I am sorry for grammar. One of the reasons I took it as a "no" was because past parts of me trying to get into stuff involved with you. Take for an example. The ISAR tower was being built. I was hoping to get a room and to build a lounge. This never happend, you didnt even think of asking any of your clan members if they wanted a room. The ISAR tower was and still is a good idea, unfortantually, more thought could have been put into it. Any way, the point is. If you need a writer, you can ask me. Once again, I am sorry for my grammar, Ipod.

Whoever has been logging in as anonymous and leaving stupid trollish messages is being ignored. While I was happy to answer some of the comments from whoever this was, its gotten to the point of utter stupidity. I just removed a comment that just asked me to change the article "Ion Cannon Leak Poses Threat To Server Quality" because it doesn't directly mention why the threat is there. Holy stuff, put two and two together. Its like reading an article called "Fast Car Driving Around School Is Threat To Students" and then asking why. Either thats trolling or the person is extremely thick. Because thats stupidity you can't even pay for.

The ISAR tower was being built. I was hoping to get a room and to build a lounge. This never happend, you didnt even think of asking any of your clan members if they wanted a room.

Bit of a conflict of interest, to use an appropriate term.

Bit of a conflict of interest, to use an appropriate term.
Jesus forgetin christ. That took for ever to type on an iPod.

Lol. You mean a touch? They can be fiddly. Okay keyboards, but a little slow typing on no doubt.

Lol. You mean a touch? They can be fiddly. Okay keyboards, but a little slow typing on no doubt.
Yea a touch. First gen. too. We also needs a clan project. One that dosent fail some hard core ass. Jenaxes isint the most active member in our clan. Many my old 1940's build? I could set up a dedicated. Just saying.

Quite a hard theme, 1940s. But a build of such layout would be cool, I'd come if you hosted it.

Quite a hard theme, 1940s. But a build of such layout would be cool, I'd come if you hosted it.
I lost the save. I would and could restart everything. I trust you and other AE members could help monitor the server if it went dedicated. The 1940's were a very rundown and political stage of the human history. Riddler advances in war and losts of structures that have amazed many people today. If you need help finding somthing to build, go to google pict and search 1940's.

Double toast. Are we hovering round this topic?

This sounds like a cool idea.

Having a way of documenting stuff that goes down.

This sounds like a cool idea.

Having a way of documenting stuff that goes down.
Olololol, hopfully this would stay up.

Ahaha, apparently I misunderstood the whole purpose of the opinion and review articles. Sorry! ^_^