Author Topic: Rise of Blockland 2 is now live!  (Read 21509 times)

I considered the power grid idea once for 5 minutes about 3 years ago.  :cookieMonster:

What is Rise of blockland?

What is Rise of blockland?
Some type of serious City RP? Or so I'm told.

Remember when CityRP first came out. I was hosting RoB1 and people would come in asking if it was CityRP and I was like, "WTF is CityRP".

Rise of Blockland is game that lasts up to two months where you run a small business empire and use your gains to buy from other businesses and use all that to build bricks. It's a long-term city build.

sold out of food

can't wait until production :D
Same, but with cash. No one wants my mats. I really need to build a roof.

Are you still going to do zombie days whenever the city resets?

Some type of serious City RP? Or so I'm told.
City RP on steroids?
I have played RoB, it much like City RP except less crappy and slower than City RP (ex. you dont earn as much money as fast)

Oh yeah, zombie apocalypse day at the end of a round was usually great, so I definitely want to do that.

Production will start about 12 hours after this post, but that's just when it STARTS, so don't worry when you can't get in, since like... imagine a faucet STARTS dripping. You can wait a full day before your business stops producing stuff, so don't sweat it.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 01:31:21 AM by Mr. Wallet »

use tier+tactical

it's built for that

use tier+tactical

it's built for that

Lets not start burdening the server with a bunch of useless weapons.

Start production noooowwwww

Bullstuff ive been trying to join for over an hour and there are people on there that have been afk since last night

And I get kicked to make room for people the second I join.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 01:15:22 PM by ladios »

Bullstuff ive been trying to join for over an hour and there are people on there that have been afk since last night

And I get kicked to make room for people the second I join.

I agree, and why is the player count only twelve. :(
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 01:26:36 PM by Desolation »

It was raised so things are ok now.