Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3634895 times)

Why the forget is everyone talented but me
Tell me your secrets

Why the forget is everyone talented but me
Tell me your secrets
obscene amounts of practice, eye for aesthetic, a tablet etc

Why the forget is everyone talented but me
Tell me your secrets
wellll you gotta practiceparacticepractice

people always say practice but never provide what to practice

go do some figure drawings and read some books, try nicolades - the natural way to draw

Yes you must practice but do you know what's better than practice? Discipline. This let's you draw even when you don't want to without motivation or inspiration. IT LETS YOU BUILD YOUR SKILLS DAILY/WEEKLY TOO

practice is important but you have to learn things from other people or sources if you want to improve, otherwise your stuck in a rut like me who can't improve because I don't know what I'm doing wrong, until I activley seek to improve myself and go look for some good sources(thanks kumquat).

you don't /have to/ look at sources for perspective and life drawing but if you can get down basic skills to a science it'll make the rest of your work shine and then you can expand into stuff like colour theory and what not.

Experience is the best teacher but you need to know how to do things to experience them right, otherwise most of the time you develop a bad habit to doing a certain drawing.

If anyone has anything contrary to this go ahead, its great to hear art related thoughts and discussion and this thread could use more.

i always feel confused when people ask me for art advice because on one hand i'm flattered that they asked me of all people, and on the other hand the best advice i can give is "uhhh... practice?"

all neato. eyes look kinda weird on the third one tho
yar, its my first time coloring that specific person

obscene amounts of practice, eye for aesthetic, a tablet etc
wellll you gotta practiceparacticepractice
snip version: practice but actually telling me what to practice
Is it okay if I make a joke posting the Mona Lisa exclaiming what practice has done
Got it. Thanks for the advice.

im tired so im gonna put this here
I love your style so loving much

I think the best thing you can possibly do for yourself is just be an old master.

Two of my friends as Kindred
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 07:30:35 PM by Camera »

« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 09:17:31 PM by TheKid »

i didn't draw this but my friend did so it counts

Why the forget is everyone talented but me
Tell me your secrets

you're definitely not the only one not talented in this thread.

also i found that asking for practice with art is a lot like asking "well how do i get good at CODING", well you just.. do it!

this technically started out as a drawing so IT COUNTS

also i found that asking for practice with art is a lot like asking "well how do i get good at CODING", well you just.. do it!
i like this brown townogy

i like this brown townogy

that's basically it though. i didnt understand it about coding until i took a class and i'm basically given an idea and google and i have to do it.

drawing on the other hand, i will not ever be able to draw :(