Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 4015880 times)


Didja miss me?
we didnt miss you stop loving drawing and go outside

Didja miss me?

idea: kill every elder scrolls fan who plays as argonians or khajit

idea: kill every elder scrolls fan

Man I dunno about you guys but all I wanted to do was show y'all a ghetto-bootied dark elf

ignore the dumb bitchestm

ignore the dumb bitchestm
At this point they don't bother me at all tbh

D a g o t h U r welcomes you my sweet persistent friend

idk if i posted this before
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 03:47:45 AM by }]Crazy[{ »

whoa crazy.. it's like I am seeing the future through your drawing. poignant stuff! nice!