Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 4061325 times)

why it gotta be a baby though. that doesnt appeal to 99% of the functioning population and he has a pretty good artstyle that would be good for something like normal furry research or literally anything that doesnt make you think the creator is a literal creep

he has a pretty good artstyle that would be good for something like normal furry research

Yeah because babyfurries feel ostracized and isolated by how niche their special interest is. Like there's hardly any baby furry research anywhere to jack off too. By the sheer power of erections they gotta dish out some cash for an OC commission or two and they'll keep doing this forever because their parents have infinite money on the card and they never get laid so they need fap material
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to make the big bucks

why it gotta be a baby though.
Because people pay top dollar for it

Blouk's art is fine as long as you don't associate it with the further depraved portion of the furry fandom

If you look at it innocently and unassumingly, it's fine, like something you would see in a child's story book or whatever

Associating something with something bad is what causes people to hate things irrationally, e.g. Undertale, most people hate it because it's fandom leaves a sour impression on them, so they never bother actually playing or watching it so that they can have a genuine opinion of it

You can hate something, but don't hate it for the wrong reasons

you would still make $$$ from it and it won't be a federal offense in the people's republic of china and most of poland if you just draw normal furry research. it's also kinda hard to not associate commisioned real baby furry art with the other commisioned real baby furry art
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 02:26:39 PM by Verification »

you would still make $$$ from it and it won't be a federal offense in the people's republic of china and most of poland if you just draw normal furry research
Not really, the people who commission normal furry research already have their sources for such things, so there's probably less of a crowd to leech off of

And if there's really people in China and Poland who are looking for underage research, then it's on them for searching out that kind of stuff, not the artist who is trying to appeal to a different crowd of people
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 02:27:37 PM by Masterlegodude »

jeez why are u getting so brown town over someone drawing a kid animal

jeez why are u getting so brown town over someone drawing a kid animal
because it's all he draws and it's kinda weird??? just asking

it's only weird because ur making it weird

because it's all he draws and it's kinda weird??? just asking
Whether or not Blouk is actually a creep is beyond our knowledge, and we can't assume as such just based on what he draws

As far as it's known, he specializes in babyfurs strictly because it pays well, so of course it would be most, if not exactly all, of what he draws

it's only weird because ur making it weird
Also this

Man. Holy forget, I just now realised. Drawing research and OCs willingly of prepubescent anthro animals is a perfectly normal thing that everything does. I shouldn't be weirded out about this thing, which is the only thing he draws and people are defending me trying to ask him if he draws something else or wants to

Man. Holy forget, I just now realised. Drawing research and OCs willingly of prepubescent anthro animals is a perfectly normal thing that everything does. I shouldn't be weirded out about this thing, which is the only thing he draws and people are defending me trying to ask him if he draws something else or wants to
shut up

Man. Holy forget, I just now realised. Drawing research and OCs willingly of prepubescent anthro animals is a perfectly normal thing that everything does. I shouldn't be weirded out about this thing, which is the only thing he draws and people are defending me trying to ask him if he draws something else or wants to
i'm honestly not sure how you say stuff like this and still wonder why people here don't like you

I honestly don't give a stuff. If you are not atleast grossed out by babyfur and think it's a problem with just me for thinking it's odd and creepphillic I don't mind if you hate me lol

it is a problem with you lol it's something perfectly innocent and you're trying to twist it around to make it seem like something that's not and scolding the person for not drawing what you personally like better

Real talk for a split second. Why tf is the meme "draw furry research for BIG BUX!!!"
There has got to be much easier crowds to market hobbyist tier drawing skillz to. (While offering the same return)
I mean if youre drawing for money alone, i feel like fur cigarette art is certainly not the way to go. If someone likes to draw fur stuff and make money doing it, hell yeah good for them. But why does everyone tell non fur artists: "Draw fur research for big buX!!"