Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3862896 times)

T H E  P O W E R  O F  P R I D E  C O M P E L S  Y O U

pride flag to brush your teeth with

I can't believe the hololive feet poster is actually from this forum.

also based

I can't believe the hololive feet poster is actually from this forum.

also based

this is the first internet community I was part of, all the way back in 2010

I am the most antisocial

its also kind of insane to see pomps artistic growth over the past decade. as is everyone else who has since taken their interest and developed it.

i wonder if pomp will ever return to 3d modeling and do high fidelity character and feet models :eyes:

Based requesting for Pomp feet models

A shading test turned into a dating sim

what loving liquids does a tetris block secrete

Just because he has a couple of lego bricks in the shape of a tetris block for a head, doesn't mean that he isn't made of flesh and blood like any one else

Don't think about it too hard

Now i work at Professor Oak's lab as his assistant

Going goblin mode

« Last Edit: June 17, 2022, 01:56:57 AM by Masterlegodude »