Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3635315 times)

I can see it to a degree it's hard to explain.

Like the space under the collarbones are lighter with no details in the area causing it to look flat

I'm looking at other upper chests, I'm not seeing it.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 02:03:00 PM by spideykong »

Im not talking about tits
Im saying the literally chest does not look round enough to me

there is no visible chest in his drawing because of the sweater. what are you talking about.

Im not arguing about this anymore

Im not talking about tits
Im saying the literally chest does not look round enough to me

Bodies don't work like that.  People don't just have necks then boop it goes round. You're discussing the top portion of the chest, which is relatively flat, with only a minor curve, leading to the breasts IF the shoulders are bent forward/the posture isn't perfect, which is how the drawing is.

That being said, the drawing has plenty of other faults, you just tackled something you're incapable of viewing properly.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 06:09:08 AM by Lalam24 »

My example is in fact a horrible example, Ill try and make up for it with good examples.

yes, and yes. it's not very accurate, but i did what i could and threw in some of my own tweaks. i also changed the eye position a lil' cus they were bugging me in that pic i posted

Wait what is this you? Aren't you like 13 or something

He looks more like a geek irl, no offense

Also everytime I see people helping someone here I feel fuzzy inside (●´ω`●)

Wait what is this you? Aren't you like 13 or something

no that isn't me, and i'm 15
its not hard to click on my profile to find my age, man

gay starfish

it looks wonky from where the legs start and the torso but it may just because the jacket makes it look weird

it looks wonky from where the legs start and the torso but it may just because the jacket makes it look weird
also it's not finished :v

where's warudo

sry for double post but I dunno if I should color this or not so here