Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3632825 times)

This is really throwin me off, I know its the pinkie but it looks like a separate thing
[img ][/img]
the right arm still looked wonky, so I tried to sketch a fix over the OG drawing

[img ][/img]

keep in mind that I don't know how to draw hands either
as far as the pinkie goes i'll probably just make it closed around the handle too because as much as i want it in that pose it just keeps looking loving weird so whatever

i will keep that arm adjustment in mind though once i actually come back to the sketch

when the weird kids in school try to be cool

real quick ;)
gee i wonder where ive seen that pose before..............

real quick ;)

dont tell me someone paid money for this

its even the same dimensions

nothin wrong with tracing

he didn't even trace it right tho
look at the shoe

tracer here! the cavalry has arrived!
i cant tell if ur just making a tf2-overwatch joke or if ur calling him out for tracing

i cant tell if ur just making a tf2-overwatch joke or if ur calling him out for tracing

let's just say it's both

nothin wrong with tracing
there is something very wrong when somebody paid for it

there is something very wrong when somebody paid for it

did someone actually pay for it? dear god don't tell me someone actually paid for it

I doubt anyone actually payed for a tracejob on such a tiny image