I developed this Add-On to add Joystick support for my wired 360 controller and am releasing it for others to use.
The default button layout is the Left Thumbstick for movement, Right Thumbstick for looking, Left Trigger for jet, Right Trigger for primary attack, Y shows tools, B opens the brick selector dialog, X shows bricks, Back and Start move inventory, D-Pad shifts bricks horizontally, Left and Right bumpers shift bricks vertically, Left and Right Thumbsticks rotate bricks and A plants bricks. The mouse is still used for navigating menus.
This layout is fairly unintuitive (am open for suggestions!) but focuses on brick placement - hence the lack of jump and use spraypaint keys, which have to be mapped manually as the controls menu does not detect joystick input.
The following preferences can be changed:
$Pref::Input::JoystickDeadZone = "-0.26 0.26";
$Pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = true;
$Pref::Input::JoystickInvert = false;
$Pref::Input::JoystickSensitivity = 0.1;
$Pref::Input::JoystickSouthPaw = false;
Invert flips the y-axis and southpaw flips the thumbsticks.