rtb vs retail

Author Topic: rtb vs retail  (Read 4723 times)

Everyone used to call it RBL, when it came out it became BLR.

Retail cuz i fianlly got it and you dont   :cookieMonster:

Shouldn't it actually just be called Blockland?

No, because noobs think Blockland = RTB

Retail kills v0002 RTB any day of the week. I will never, ever, play the old RTB on v0002.

Retail kills v0002 RTB any day of the week. I will never, ever, play the old RTB on v0002.

Creator said it himself, his mod sucks compared to Retail  :cookieMonster:.

oh yea and caboos i do have reatil    :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: ate cookies    :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: you dont get any hahaha

retail - 4000 bricks lag me
rtb - 60 bricks lag me


retail -  unknown bricks lag me (have tested up to 1.1 million so far all in view) - was in slate
rtb/0002 - 1000 bricks lag me

1000 is pathetic, no point in even having a multiplayer server with that.
thats why 9/10 people didnt build on 0002, just noobs jumping around.

and no i didnt set all those bricks, i did about 5k then macroed more

RTB's block inventory > Retail Blockland's block inventory.

small content mods is all blockland should get.

i rather the game stay about the same for everyone.
without reinventing it for every major mod. instead its a single community

I agree but retail rtb should be given a chance. Look how far it got with v0002. They learned some lessons too (evil EW)

man i hope they put in the editor wand i dont even play retail because there is nothing good.

item spawners
less lag

tons of realy cool weapons
effect switches
scaling bricks
realy cool looking main menu
jet force control
so far all i can say is that i am realy hoping all the stuff from tbm rtb and aio will be added. all that i have made in tbm is only posible with movers rotators teleporters weapons scaling bricks and igob. how could you posibly build a secret underground military bunker oh great smart one now its not a secret anymore but as i was saying my bunker would not be posible with out things like switches that open the doors to only people that i trust telepoters to take people to secret areas and jumpers to move people up and down to the different levels of the bunker. right now i dont even play retail i will once what i need is added to the game but until then im off to tbm. and if any of you have any rude coments about what iv said here mail them to my secretary my butt.

TechWarrior, you added nothing new to the converstation except demonstrating that you forgot that Blockland is all about building. Anything else is really secondary, and judging by all the features you listed, BL retail is not right for you. You obviously haven't looked at the list of mods already posted, because some of your problems have already been covered. If all your care about is NOT building, then you're definitely on the wrong forums.