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Author Topic: Highler Ridge :: Welcome to the city.  (Read 25681 times)

Like this? Try participating in the post-apocalyptic Broken World Roleplay, with more than ten active users!

Click on the image above to see a map of the city!

ABOUT THE GAME Highler Ridge is known worldwide for its infamous name in crime and the corruption of its police and general law enforcement. The roleplay itself is a modern-day version of it, it's almost like real life. You live in a thriving metropolis, yet you need to keep yourself alive and well just as you would in the real world - collect vehicles to move around, apartments, condos, or save some cash and live in a car or hotel jump. The only way you seem to be able to get the best bang for your buck is to get involved with the thriving crime that goes on beneath the busy overhead of the city. It was risky at first, but you got through the initial test and have come out to prove you're perfectly able to do any task - or so you hope. Think of this as an intense game of cops-n-robbers.

Prepare to make your profile and put your character in a vulnerable position a large number of times. Various deliveries of illegal items, smuggling, police pursuits, burglaries and robbing will be taking place as a normal activity daily and it's your job to complete the job as the boss has requested, or you can kiss your paycheck goodbye. Play undercover at parts, to get inside of all of the systems and complete your task. When the clock winds down and that paycheck is in your hands, it's all worth while.

BACKSTORY So the place you're from; you haven't revealed it to anyone, and you don't plan to. Perhaps later on you can spill the beans, but as of now, it doesn't appear smart. Your gut tells you not to, but you don't know why - you have the legal papers to prove you are supposed be here, exactly where you are, and yet the fear is overtaking you. Some of your family members have been slowly coming to the country, the country where anything is possible. When you reflect, you feel slightly guilty - in the place where anything could be done, you get eaten up by the world of crime. But you remember you can make a quick dollar easily and doing things you've done before, and you live on. At the moment, you're running around the metro with your assigned car, working for the popular taxi firm that keeps the city on its wheels. Aside from the small tax the company, Highler Ridge Taxi, skims off the top, you keep most of the profits and all of the tips, so driving nicely and to your customer's wants is critical. Be careful or you'll lose a lot of profit and lose your tip as well!

THE CITY The city is large - it is a metropolis, after all - and divided amongst a small series of five islands, or that's how many you've counted from the various conversations you've been involved in with some of your family in the area.

  • Bright Annex, the part of town you should probably stay in if you're new around here. A lot of suburban homes are here, and the building height is kept around three or four stories. The work is easy here, steal a few cars or pick up a package, and the cops are too busy in the other parts of the city. The people are mild and the bosses are as well, an ideal place to begin.
  • South Bint is a bit of a mystery, especially its name - there isn't even a North Bint. It's a smaller island, and is pretty similar to the Bright Annex area, but with more cops and more jobs. The Braxton International is here, as well, being the largest and busiest airport in the north. Airport security doesn't take any stuff from anyone, and there's no corruption - it wouldn't be wise to get funny.
  • Kelton; you don't know much at all about this area, but it's supposedly the fancy part of the city, full of nice houses, skyscrapers and sports cars. You've talked about going over there with your cousin once, but he seems afraid of the area - perhaps its the mafia bosses and other people of such status that look like they'll shoot you on the spot if they see you. Maybe once you have some experience.
  • Goodyear is pretty much the business area of the city, filled to the max of skyscrapers and taxis. With so many people here, it can be good for you and your wallet, but the population can kill you in a second as well, especially when the police are around. Be alarmed!
  • Wallack is the industrial. Whenever you steal a car, this is probably where you should take it to either sell it for a quick buck or deliver it to one of the hundreds of garages. A shootout here would be a catastrophe, with all of the flammables and opportunities to blow stuff up. The cab dispatch office is also located here in Wallack.

YOUR CHARACTER Fill out a short character sheet and then start your work - you'll never be bored. You can begin with taxiing, being a normal guy who just snapped, said forget it and went to crime, or you can just be nothing and wanted to do something.

Name: What's your name?
Status: Wounded? Healed? Shot? How're you?
Inventory: What do you have on you? You're limited to carrying four items at a time, no matter what. Your gun and it's ammo counts as a single item, though, so it's not so bad! You can set up a bank account with me if you want - everything will be kept on file. Consider it your social security box where you can store anything for however long, you just have to keep up with your monthly bill.
Karma: Your Karma ranges from -100, being a total starfish (but also means you have bad luck!) to 100, being the nicest person in the world (which might be hard, in the world of crime). It should effect your loot and general luck. You start with 0 Karma. Karma can be lost by stealing a cop car, and then regained by taking care of a crime found on the computer.
Location: An obvious field, however, note you have to stay on one of the five islands at all times.
Objective: What're you supposed to be doing? Stealing a cop car? Delivering a stash of AK47s?
Cash: How much dough you got?

With every post you make, keep us informed with reposting your character sheet. Add a Lost and Gained field and keep it updated as well.

That's pretty much it! To give you some suggestions, some things you can begin with;

  • Carjacking
  • Robberies
  • Burglaries
  • Taxiing
  • Collecting
  • Selling
  • Police pursuit

If you have any suggestions, feel free to step forward. I'm very open!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 07:18:04 PM by Caution »

Name: Kane
Status: Stressed,beaten
Inventory: Pocket knife,wallet with nothing in it but a driver's liscense and a gun liscense,pistol on safety and ammo for 2 clips.
Karma: 0,he's nice but part of the crime going on.
Location: Bright Annex

"forget stuff HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN"
Bangs head on nearest wall.

This knocks him unconcious from his beatings and his beating himself up with a wall.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 01:28:25 AM by kanew2000 »

You start with 0 Karma. And at least go into detail. :o

I'm already in one of your role plays. Why not do this one also?

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Inventory: Nothing
Karma: 0
Location: Goodyear
Cash: $100
Objective: Get cop car

I was hopping across cars one day hoping that the cops would show up. The boss wants me to get a police cruiser so traveling would be 'easier'. I left a shoe mark on one car and a skid mark on another. People screamed and ran. They didn't have any bal- guts. The cops finally decided to show up. I hopped over a few more cars until I found a close enough police cruiser to jack. I leaped down and kicked the cop on the driver's side out of the way. I slid across the pavement and picked up his dropped gun. BAM! Shot the passenger seat cop right between the eyes. I dashed into the cruiser and skidded off. I plowed through traffic. Eventually the cops lost me in the swarm of assorted vehicles. I headed back to da base to receive my payment.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 04:12:05 PM by Jokey365 »

Name: Ian DeRello
Status: Healthy
Inentory: .38 special revolver, 50 .38 Special rounds, Chlorine smoke bomb, Anestesia shot
Karma: 0
Location: Tallest building in Goodyear, the Capital Union building.

The words of the dossier remained in my head, stuck like glue. "Kidnap Fredrick Union, CEO of the Capital Union insurance company. Anesthetic shot to the neck should do the trick, but you will have to be creative to sneak a body of a well-known CEO though the building. His guards do have guns." I walked through the doors in my brand new, slick black suit. I couldn't resist the payment of 50,000 dollars. That could last me forever! The giant lobby had two hanging, glass chandeliers. Red velvet carpet covered the Marble tile, along with the fancy red sofas to wait on. I had called to make an appointment with him, and the clerk was busy so she pointed me over to a glass elevator. I stepped inside, and the lobby got smaller and smaller until I passed through a wall. After a 2-minute elevator ride, I got to the top of the 1,732 foot building. There was Fredrick, doing paperwork at his newly polished mahogany desk. He looked up at me, and said, "Sit down, we have business matters to discuss."

Name: Liam ???
Status: Healthy
  • Blaser Sniper Rifle + 8 clips of 10 rounds
  • 5x Combat throwing knives
  • First aid Kit + pills
  • Desert Eagle + 4 clips of 8 .50 cal rounds
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack
Cash: £200
Objectives: Kill everything :cookieMonster:

Found a building with apartments in, nice balcony to snipe from.  :cookieMonster:
Edit: HAPPY NOW your loving majesty
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 09:01:12 PM by Dominator »

How is that roleplay? And for the third time, you start with 0 KARMA.

EDIT: Also add in your current objective and your cash amount.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 02:04:23 PM by Caution »

Name: Max
Status: Sleeping
Inventory: Nothing
Karma: -10
Reason for Karma Loss: Police Cruiser Stolen
Location: Wallack
Cash: $1,100
Objective: No current objective
Gained: $1,000
Lost: Nothing

I pulled up in front of da base. As I exited the cop car somebody else walked in and drove it to the back of da base. He then turned around like he forgot something. He pulled up to me and handed me a wopping 1,000 bucks. I smiled and pocketed me cash. I then hopped onto my broken scooter (which I got working) and headed home , it was a warehouse. An abandoned warehouse. I hopped up a few crates and into my box. It was my box because it used to be a bug transporting crate. I was the only one who had the guts to sleep in it. I lied down on my mattress and checked my broken clock. Well partially broken since I managed to get it somewhat working. It was the middle of the day. I didn't care, I decided to take a nap. I figured by the time I woke up the boss would have me murding the president (joke). I slowely drifted off to sleep

This seems fun. :D

Main Story Line One

Name: Giovanni Vespucci
Status: In good health
Inventory: IDs; Taser(Charged, fairly high in quality)
Karma: 0
Location: South Bint
Objective: None; Reviewing last pickup (Narrating the ride)
Cash: $1,050 from the last 3 weeks pay and this cab ride.

*Waiting outside airport in my taxi. Its a nice light blue, The Company color, and well kept inside, despite the inescapable pine scent The Company thought would be a good idea.*

Awaiting a pickup is and was always the most difficult part of my job. I never knew why, but the tension, the sheer agony of waiting to who I may be picking up - If it may be a mugger or highend executive stiff - tortured me. Being mugged, this I was used to. Ever since my previous 'career', I dealt with hundreds of people trying to steal from or kill me at once. And the inane babbling of the executives, their rude demands and comments, that I've grown accustomed to. My taxi apparently isn't the Charleston. But just waiting to see what I would deal with, just sitting there not knowing what could possibly come next, I couldn't stand.

How relieved I was when a middle-aged man, about my height, wearing a black suit and overcoat sat in the back. What little hair he had was tinted gray, with a less than pleased frown spread across his face.
  "Hello," I stated casually hoping to make this a nice ride. "Are you the 6 o' clock pickup...umm....Mr. Union?"*
  "Yes. To the Capital Union building, please. There will be a nice payment for you at the end."
  "Great." Happily, I drove on.
This man was either insanely brilliant or incredibly idiotic for taking an ordinary cab. He must have hundreds of bounties on his head, seeing as he is the CEO of the most prominent insurance agency in Highler Ridge.

An awkward silence (prolonged by hitting a red light every other traffic stop) and a stop for gas later, there we were in front of the glass palace Capital Union had built years ago, before Goodyear was an economic utopia.  
  "Thank you." Mr. Union stated in a falsely simpathetic manner, handing his tip to me as if he were helping a dying bum. "Stay safe..."

The funny thing is, I could have told him the very same thing.

*In case you didn't notice, the ride is a story arc several nights prior to Jorici's. I hope he's alright with this. I thought that it would be nice to intertwine some of the RPs. :s
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 11:20:25 PM by *Magick* Mage »

Yeah, I'm fine with that.

Name: Ian DeRello
Status: Healthy
Inentory: .38 special revolver, 50 .38 Special rounds, Chlorine smoke bomb, Anestesia shot
Karma: 0
Location: Tallest building in Goodyear, the Capital Union building.

I took a seat in the large leather chair. Might as well hear what he has to say, or what he thinks he has to say to me, because I am not who I said I was on the phone. "Mr. DeRello. I know your game. I was tipped off that you will get paid a large sum of money for Injecting me with that powerful Anesthetic you have in your left coat pocket." I glanced down. How did he know? It wasn't protruding from the side, or noticeable at all, for that matter. I decided it was now or never. I made a sudden movement, and he held his hand up. "I know what you are trying to do. Listen to my proposition before you make any harsh decisions. Now, I know you know I am a very wealthy and powerful man. You may think starting an insurance company in this city would be the worst thing to do, but I have made billions, as you can see." I cut him off. "Get to the point before I shoot you in the throat, old man." I snarled. He then chuckled. "What I am trying to say is, I will offer you 50,000 dollars, an equivalent sum of what you are getting paid, to simply walk out of this office, and never speak of this again." Fredrick said. I had to ponder this for a moment. If I did bring him in, I have no doubt my employers will torture him before beating him to a slow and painful death. I wanted to avoid death as much as possible. I sighed, then said, "Deal." Mr. Union smiled, and said, "I knew you weren't that type of guy, Mr. DeRello."

Mage, that was brilliant. I never would have guessed you'd post lol. :o

I like this roleplay more than my other one lol.

Good then. And thank ye Caution. :D

Story Arc One (Flashback)

Condition following story
Name: Giovanni Vespucci
Status: Healthy
Inventory: IDs; Taser(Charged, fairly high in quality)
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack
Objective: None; Explanation story (3 weeks before the last)
Cash: $0

*Sitting in a control room with a redheaded woman, Amedea, at a radio post. Her and I are tracking the routes for the Planned Course taxis and taking radio contact from other drivers. We are disscussing that evening's news, her golden cross delicately dangling from her neck, when a disgruntled customer comes stumbling into the dispatch area*  

  "Excuse me, sir, this is a restricted area! Please leave." Amedea said, futilely, the man now screaming in odd tounges, waving about a gun. "Dear Lord." She put her hands up, them shaking from terror. Knowing what this was, I calmly stepped closer to the man.
  "Put the gun down." I stared in his eyes. They didn't seem that of a criminal's, but more of a helpless man. I didn't understand it. He waved the gun more frantically, screaming what I could only assume was to give him money. I gave him all I had (My rent D:), as did Amedea, and he begins to scavange around for....something.
  "What do you want?" I began to say, but a thought now occured to me - my taser. Why hadn't I used it yet? Carefully not to let him see me, I reach for it, craddling its grip in my hand....
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 11:20:57 PM by *Magick* Mage »

Here I go with my first roleplay.

Name: William Forvetti
Status: I have a mild cough, really cold
Inventory: Beat up ID, Cough drops, Low quality pocket knife, Travel Pen, Travel Journal (Hope that doesn't bother the limit)
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack, by the two-story apartment building.
Objective: Nothing at the moment; Cab driver.
Cash: $57.67

  I casually walk to my cab from my humble, cold apartment.  My rent got a bit higher, so I had to work extra hard that day.  I tried to remember how much he said it was, about $100-150.  I continued towards the cab and sat on the torn leather chair.  I tuned the radio to a low level of volume then proceeded to drive along the area.  I picked up a few people that morning.  I continued to go across town and picked up a strange man.  Scruffy beard, looks a bit older then I.  He gave me the money while he was moving his toothpick in his mouth to a more comfortable position.  I noticed he had a nice revolver in his left pocket.
  I looked to the front of my car slowly and proceeded to bring the man to his desired location.  Once we got to the location, he said in a scratchy voice, "Get out of the car".  For some reason, I was somewhat pleased due to lack of difference in each and every day of driving people to places.  I hesitated, then said, "C'mon" in a bit more louder voice.  I got out immediately and went to follow him.  He went to a garage and opened it up then went into the back.  I was about to follow him, but he interrupted and said "wait here".  I waited for about 5 minutes and he came out with a revolver.  I was stunned, but I thought 'what was the worst that could happen?'.  He gave me the revolver and said "Your working for me now".  When he said that, I saw that my cab wasn't in its spot it was previously in.  I wanted to say "The hell man!?", but he looked to powerful and terrifying.  He proceeded to tell me instructions, instructions to steal fireworks from the factory down south.

Hope thats fine :o

Sounds a bit like Constantine lol.