Author Topic: I want a rahkshi character  (Read 2628 times)

i got this one on febuary 6th
and on the 26th this month is my birthday
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 06:38:50 PM by yoshiwinsagain »

No. Bionicle is crap.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 08:09:14 PM by _Dark_ »

You realize people will flame you even harder if you keep posting these topics right?
Better yet, your apt to get drama'd.

Blockland isn't here to be cross-referenced.

Plus, what would you use this for?

I already don't like you, or your ideas and so far, you haven't given one good game related idea to date... This really isn't the right game for you.

Bionicle is dead damnit let it die in a grave and ask about hero factory.

Bionicle is dead damnit let it die in a grave and ask about hero factory.

I hate Lego for replacing Bionicle with "Hero Factory"

I hate Lego for replacing Bionicle with "Hero Factory"
I dont I think they look better.
And no more hard to pronounce names :D

Bionicle had a nice, super-loving-massive plot.

Rahkshi were the last good Bioncles. And those were like 7-8 years ago.

Rahkshi were the last good Bioncles. And those were like 7-8 years ago.

Build it. Agter all, this is Blockland.

Rahkshi were the last good Bioncles. And those were like 7-8 years ago.

I have a blue one :D

Bionicle had a nice, super-loving-massive plot.
I hate to agree. I was a major fan of wtf pwning Makuta at the end of every new series. Makuta is dead now though?

I have to say that I prefered the Bohrok over the Rahkshi.