Author Topic: stuff, got a forgetton of Backdoors.  (Read 2715 times)

Computer Viruses kill now.

I still have it.

Guys, all your tips are forget all working

did a FULL scan with MBAM, removed all the crap, the trojan downloader, and its still screwing up firefox, had to reinstall it, still crappy.



MBAM results: 9 Infections (none picked up by windows defender)
avast results: 0 Infections (after i used WD and MBAM)
Windows defender results: 1 infection (one of the sources itself)

I have a bifrose backdoor.

MBAM results: 9 Infections (none picked up by windows defender)
avast results: 0 Infections (after i used WD and MBAM)
Windows defender results: 1 infection (one of the sources itself)

Lol @ Avast, go ahead and start in safe mode, disable any start up programs, disconnect from internet, then try and track down the file that is the virus with malwarebytes.

Lol @ Avast, go ahead and start in safe mode, disable any start up programs, disconnect from internet, then try and track down the file that is the virus with malwarebytes.

I know the file.

and malwarebytes isn't tracing it.

and i have to use internet loving explorer.

I know the file.
Use malwarebytes kill tool if you know the direct location of the infected file.

Use malwarebytes kill tool if you know the direct location of the infected file.

On it.

Found it, its a backdoor and it must be


On it.

Found it, its a backdoor and it must be

Good work, now tell malware to delete it and restart the computer and get on with your life.

Good work, now tell malware to delete it and restart the computer and get on with your life.

thing is, if i delete it firefox still forgets up, its a major problem, tried unrestalling 5000 times, nope.

thing is, if i delete it firefox still forgets up, its a major problem, tried unrestalling 5000 times, nope.
Use google chrome then, great alternative.

Delete your entire computer.

Change all your passwords on a clean computer then format if nothing else works.

take the harddrive out

put it in another computer

make sure it boots from the non-infected harddrive

use an antivirus and scan the infected storage device drive

win the game

You didn't use system restore?

Alright, so my dad's PC is ALWAYS clean, he uses MBAM and had two rogues often, though he's only got one once from a faulty ad on a stuff site, i can try and screencap the pic, but this one has just come, my phone has rang despite having NO broadband on the loving home phone, is this the case?

So i scanned it because i've tried to remove it all 500 times.

I removed them, but loving windows vista is stuff and blocks the removal so the viruses can do it again, it closes explorer.exe, then remakes it, and crashes firefox as soon as i log on, then it works fine.

Any solution, i might try safe mode soon.

install Ubuntu, it doenst get viruses hurr
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 02:31:36 PM by ase »

take the harddrive out

put it in another computer

make sure it boots from the non-infected harddrive

use an antivirus and scan the infected storage device drive

win the game

i can run any AV, and its sorta solved..


install Ubuntu, it doenst get viruses hurr


You didn't use system restore?
i dont use system restore?