Author Topic: Eventh grader threatens to jump me wat do  (Read 9116 times)

Bugattis > Everything else

That's the stupidest thing i've heard all night

I'm trying to say that people who feel the need to resort to violence tend not to go very far in life. Then again they'll get themselves killed long before they manage to pump gas into my Lamborghini.

plus Lamborghini are ew

My eyes are deceiving me - it sounds like you just called this car ugly

IMG Y U BREAK? ok so there WAS a lovey car here but the image broke and I don't feel like saving + uploading it to tinypic

boner has been added to inventory
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 05:04:32 AM by Sulfate »

Then again they'll get themselves killed long before they manage to pump gas into my Lamborghini.


My eyes are deceiving me - it sounds like you just called this car ugly


and meh, if you can afford a lambo, you can also afford nicer looking vehicular devices IMO ;/

and meh, if you can afford a lambo, you can also afford nicer looking vehicular devices IMO ;/

Well 10 years from now I'll probably be driving a beater.. I'll pull a Reggie Watts and lower the motherforgeter, put some 18 inch rims on the motherforgeter, take some neon, put it underneath the motherforgeter, so when I roll around it looks like I hover..


herp derp

I don't think or want it to hurt you. I just want you to think about things you say to older members before (too late herp derp) you get flamed.

I'm trying to say that people who feel the need to resort to violence tend not to go very far in life. Then again they'll get themselves killed long before they manage to pump gas into my Lamborghini.
Just because people use self defense doesn't mean that they're going to grow up to be some crazy idiot.
And you sound like one of the guys who lets people walk all over you.

Hiiro is getting upset because the people who aren't right aren't giving him the advice he wants to hear. He wants to be a badass and get in a fight with this kid hoping to pull off some sweet punches and submit him to the ground. All that would really happen is a lot of pushing, wild swinging, and pusillanimous individual slaps. As you lose self control you can't put up your typical macho facade anymore and both your voices will start cracking as you scream and cry uncontrollably. One of you will get a bruised arm or a bloody nose and the other shall be declared ultimate fighting champion of the school.

Well 10 years from now I'll probably be driving a beater.. I'll pull a Reggie Watts and lower the motherforgeter, put some 18 inch rims on the motherforgeter, take some neon, put it underneath the motherforgeter, so when I roll around it looks like I hover..

I love forget stuff Stack!

See, I don't get this problem.  I always have a plan to kill everyone I meet.

I usually flee before the fight starts. :c

loving Ignore The Guy. If he tries to hit you at school, say "Hey, Be nice".  It'll  Scare 'em.

If he Hits you, Wait for him to try and hit you again, and block it with your arm. keep doing that for the rest of the day. he'll see he cant beat you.

I've never heard of .... eventh ... grade

I get threats everyday, yet they pusillanimous individual out. It's funny too because I don't hit very hard.

Right whenthe fight starts I would just say "So long ya bastard!" and run home :P

Hide in a roadside water tench he goes by to school , bring a gummybat (Not a wooden or aluminium one) , put up a mask , when he comes by beat him up , and then go to school.
The next day he knows it is you , you let him know but since you had a mask up he can't prove it , and if he beats you up then everyone thinks it's for no reason.