Author Topic: Cheif (the build stealer) is at it again.  (Read 2980 times)

Badspot could invalidate anyone's key if he wanted to, but I'm pretty sure it would be detrimental to any future sales.

It's the player's responsibility to blacklist certain players from their servers, I guess.

badspot is not that mean


is combine elite now disguised as metro police? lol

You know you can't ban him from the game anyway. He's a paying customer.

is combine elite now disguised as metro police? lol
The only other name I know Combine Elite as is Soda Rebal O_o

lol, i just meant the avatar change

People pay to play steam games online, but many get VAC banned for doing stupid things.

He's got a point.  But it's still too much of a bother for Badspot I'm guessing.  For now, everyone who knows about Chief should just ban his ip from their games.  Those who don't are noobs and won't have to worry about having their great build being stolen anyway. : P

All great builds are stolen, come on how many of you have beta city ? :D

-_- You completely missed the point, did'nt you? The problem arises when you don't give someone CREDIT for their work.

Build steal am no funs

All great builds are stolen, come on how many of you have beta city ? :D

I was given Beta city, Titanic, and the checkers dm by Bones, although he has no memory of it..
and we don't take credit for those builds.

omg. its not like cheif posted the build or anything. you are the one who brought it to everyone's attention. so, technically, he didnt really steal it as dramatically as you make it, you made it sound so friggin bad. If he bragged and posted, itd be one thing. But you went out of your way to point this out to everyone's attention. Its like procrastination disturbing. Everyone masturbates. But, if you break down the bathroom door with a camera ready to take a pic, then show it to everyone, that person suddenly is "unreputable" because they masturbate. sry, best example i could use. Leave him alone about it unless he starts parading it around. besides, have you tried telling him its yours and that you dont like him having it? cmon...

lol, the procrastination example made me laugh hard.
I only told people to be careful of him, never really cared that much.
Something is the one who started this topic, mine was dead for a long time now.