Author Topic: DarkLight - Backstabber  (Read 3418 times)

I'll keep the story brief. I was talking to DarkLight about Blockland Stealth and how I needed a server. He mentioned that he had a server he would give me if I gave him a good position and admin on the forums. He gave me the domain and control to the FTP and cPanel. I was the webmaster of the site. A month went by and everything was good. I had Stealth working well, and everything was great. I went to the site one day to find that it was empty. I emailed DarkLight and he told me that the server crashed and everything was lost. He transferred to another host and I tried to rebuild. I lost ALL my months work on Stealth, my forum, and  FTP was dead for the next couple weeks. After FTP went back up I rebuilt. A few weeks later FTP died yet again. Everything was, yet again, lost. The databases were fine. I rebuilt(yet again) and everything was good. About a month later(today), Dark shut the website down and gave it to someone else. He gave them ALL my copyrighted material, the Stealth database, and control of the website. I PM'd Dark and he said that he gave someone else the website. He never really gave me a reason but I was mad. DarkLight just ended Blockland Stealth and my clan. What do you think of this? What would you do? I'm seriously considering a civil lawsuit for some copyright theft and intellectual property theft.

lol trusting DarkLight

lol trusting DarkLight
DarkLight is going to end up in some legal battles. He didn't think this out very well.

I'm seriously considering a civil lawsuit for some copyright theft and intellectual property theft.


DarkLight is going to end up in some legal battles. He didn't think this out very well.
You're not going to do anything.

"he ruined my online lego clan!!"

from a quick google search:

Update 04/17/2011 - New Ownership

It appears some of you keep contacting DarkLight about the site matter. Please don't do this. Please forward all emails to Use the following rules when contacting us.

    No spamming the email.
    No sending offers - we do not accept them.
    Hate mail can be sent to for no one to read.

I know a lot or some of you may have a problem with this new ownership going on, but it's for the best. World of Blockland is now a team domain, meaning this domain is managed by more than one person and has more than one project running on it.

This means WoB will have more users, and more stuff for you to do. Another reason why DarkLight agreed to this is because the other webmaster (Jeep) was not correctly using SEO therefor he was destroying the domain rankings.

I don't know what you think, but rankings is everything to have a good domain!

So there you have it, it takes money to run a website. And jeep was not correctly managing the site to bring any kind of money in.

The site will return in a few days with fresh new content, and a few other things. Yes, the site will have some ads, but nothing that will get in the way. This will be to help us pay for the domain and hosting. :)

- WoB Team

looks like you're the one who forgeted up.

You can't just take someones copyrighted material, give it to someone else, and be fine. Not to mention he now has the Stealth database which was my intellectual property. For the most part the lawsuit is a scare tactic. I don't plan on suing DarkLight unless the new owner does something stupid. I have rights.

I'm seriously considering a civil lawsuit for some copyright theft and intellectual property theft.
Oh my god. This is hilarious. I'm serious, this is really funny.
In any case, you will have extreme difficulties taking this to court.

Oh my god. This is hilarious. I'm serious, this is really funny.
In any case, you will have extreme difficulties taking this to court.
It's a scare tactic. I'm trying to get my site back.

You can't just take someones copyrighted material, give it to someone else, and be fine. Not to mention he now has the Stealth database which was my intellectual property. For the most part the lawsuit is a scare tactic. I don't plan on suing DarkLight unless the new owner does something stupid. I have rights.
It's a stuffty scare tactic because
You're not going to do anything.

I have rights.
No you don't.

It's a scare tactic. I'm trying to get my site back.

Good luck. If I know DarkLight ( and I do! OJ says hi if you're reading this Dark :D ) he's not afraid of your idle threats.

It's a stuffty scare tactic because
No you don't.
It worked
I payed him 7 dollars. Even though it's not a lot I still payed him.