Author Topic: Multi-Stage Scripting Contest  (Read 18790 times)

I was like "I accept your challenge!" then i remember i don't know how to script :c

Seems fun. It would be cool to see all of the different takes on a project. I'll probably join, can we start working on the round 1 mod?

Also are we allowed to utilize other mods? I realize we can't take functions from them, but could we say, use a projectile someone else created or something?
Not yet, no. I want a few more people.

Yes and no. You can take small snippets from other code if you can't figure out how to do it or can't remember, but if it's something massive then it won't be accepted.

EDIT: I'm thinking I might make an exception for new scripters. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe new scripters get 2 - 3 coding help topics that take no points?
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 05:45:00 AM by Destiny/Zack0Wack0 »

I'm thinking I might make an exception for new scripters. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe new scripters get 2 - 3 coding help topics that take no points?

Sounds good to me. Im not a bad scripter nor am i a great scripter. I need my help here and there. So this benefits me 1/2 of the way. :D

EDIT: I'm thinking I might make an exception for new scripters. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe new scripters get 2 - 3 coding help topics that take no points?

Brilliant idea!

Sounds like fun -- count me in too

Brilliant idea!
You don't really need coding help.
Once a scripter learns the "dump" and "trace" functions, and how to use them to learn, they're all set.

You should pair up people by skill level, if you haven't already decided to do that. That way, Matt doesn't go against Red Guy and etc.

I would suggest changing the round 1 "topic" then. Too much of a temptation for me and others to get a head start. Just put it up when we start.

OK, I removed the task information.
I'm going to start the competition soon (in a few days), just need a few more entrants. I guess people could join later if they really wanted, seeing as it's a table of scores.

You don't really need coding help.
Once a scripter learns the "dump" and "trace" functions, and how to use them to learn, they're all set.

Not for everything.

Bump. Any more joiners? Need one more person to start, for even numbers, anyway.
The first task might have a 3 day timeframe, seeing as it's the first task if it's too long I can make it shorter later.

I'll join, you can put Armageddon on the topic

Round 1 -- You have 3 days to complete it.
You must create a money/currency mod.
You must make it as if you were going to release it publicly (Which you can feel free to do when the round is over anyway)
Your script must follow these guidelines:
 - Money must be stored in a variable, for each player
 - There needs to be a grant money slash command for admins
 - There needs to be a take money slash command for admins
 - There needs to be a trade/give money slash command for players
 - There needs to be one or more events for players to use money (eg. paying for an event to dispense a gun)
 - There needs to be a slash command to check money OR a bottomprint that displays it

Do you pair people up at the end of the round?
Do we just turn it in before Sunday is over?

Do you pair people up at the end of the round?
Do we just turn it in before Sunday is over?
I will pair people up tomorrow, and yeah around then I'm too tired to think.