Author Topic: {EC} Engineering Core  (Read 24777 times)

I love the model, if you want I can take the ORIGINAL .ms3d file (I hope you used milkshape for this) and
Nope Twig, I'm a blender modeler, Not a milkshape one :D There is a .ms3d exporter for blender, I could try that.
I'll make it two handed and fully automatic, and give you 95% credit? :D?
That sounds real decent, But I've already put this inside a pack I'm currently working on, But if you wouldn't mind doing some reload scripts for me and the pack I'm working on I'll give you 50% Credit as its just'
Don't worry about animating it either, I can handle such, Btw theres a fire animation if you havn't noticed.
The post that was posted of my guns is very outdated and you should go to the clan website and check my weapons now.
Already did.

Mind telling me who you don't like. I have to admit, the list is not up to date. I'll update the list in this post.

Commanders and Generals (Clan Administrators and Leaders)

  • Killer2 - Clan Leader/Commander in Chief/Special Forces Leader - Builder/Eventer/Modeler
  • A Twig - Advisor - Clan Modder/Forum Administrator
  • Pengie - Advisor - Graphic Designer/Builder/Forum Administrator
  • Black Tide_The Surgeon - Advisor - Builder

105th Legion (Members)

  • nolangunner - Legion Commander - Builder
  • seth07 - Legion Major - Builder (?)
  • Hunt465 - Builder - (Double Account) (?)
  • Kilser - Building (?)
  • Plethera - Builder
  • Kohna - Builder
  • Sgt. A Walter - Modding
  • Sirherg1 - Filmer
  • Mega-Bear -mapper/modder

{EC} Special Forces (Coolbro Members and/or Experts)

  • BlockStar - Expert - Building/Modding
  • Aeschylus - Expert - Builder/Console Commands
I noticed, I'm not in the clan, Even tho i app'ed? Or is it that i need to show my eventing skills? of course killer you've seen em over the years havn't you?

I've been watching the neeews all day. Terrified for my safety as the riots rapidly approach my area.

So I'll be heading to my cousin's place in East Farleigh for a while. I'll do what I can while I'm there.
You live around london right? Theres some really bad riots going on up there, Be very careful Pengie...

Edit: Sorry for triple post, Its been awhile since I've used Blockland Forums.

I noticed, I'm not in the clan, Even tho i app'ed? Or is it that i need to show my eventing skills? of course killer you've seen em over the years havn't you?

I forgot to add you to the list.

I was just Lazer Tagging. I want to make a gamemode and an actual Lazer Tag vest and gun. Maybe a build too.

I was just Lazer Tagging. I want to make a gamemode and an actual Lazer Tag vest and gun. Maybe a build too.
Sounds good :D


I'll get our server up soon

I was just Lazer Tagging. I want to make a gamemode and an actual Lazer Tag vest and gun. Maybe a build too.
I've been to a lasertag server before, but it was kind of disappointing. They just had a big black room with rainbow lights and Ladios' lasers. I think {EC} should make a big arena with real lasertag designing, and maybe have the modders make some lasertag guns. I know a little about making guns, I could try. Although seeing as how maps are my forte I don't know if it will ever be finished. ;)

I'm sure Walter would be great with the guns.

I've been to a lasertag server before, but it was kind of disappointing. They just had a big black room with rainbow lights and Ladios' lasers. I think {EC} should make a big arena with real lasertag designing, and maybe have the modders make some lasertag guns. I know a little about making guns, I could try. Although seeing as how maps are my forte I don't know if it will ever be finished. ;)

I'm sure Walter would be great with the guns.


Also, I think the server is up.

And Pengie, yeah add TheKhoz to the memberlist. K? k.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 09:10:08 PM by PVC Potato Gun »

Oh what is this you say, application approval?


Pi's in the clan? Sweet. :D

I made my application public (on our forums) so people can give their opinion and any C/C they feel necessary.

BlockStar made an alt and started trollin the forums.

He's banned and so is his previous account.

Also Khoz, you can check other people's weapons and see if anything forgets up on the client or server. If it does, let me know so I can remove the link.