Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 324761 times)

I might make cookies soon using pilsbary dough boy.
But I need another 10$ lmfao.

Got any good recipes for brownies/cookies?

I've never made them before, but I've got a bag right here and I wanna make some haha

No recipies here lol.
But, I wonder if crushing up the weed, then mixing it in the store bought batter, then cooking it, wouldn't it like. Lose its potencecy or whatever?

dont put pot in batter.
cook it in a pot of cooking oil. (or butter, but i prefer oil)

then bake things using that oil as the oil ingredient in the recipe.

i highly recommend pot popcorn made with the thc-oil

amazing lol

Oh. so like make cannabis butter, then cooking popcorn in like, the butter and inside of the pan with the cover on? Does that even work lol

i dont do it with butter. it make a similar mix using basic vegetable oil instead.

i think it bakes into cakes, cookies, brownies better then butter.

plus then you can also use the oil to make pot popcorn over the stove :D
i put reg butter on top of it like how you would normally butter popcorn anyway

i highly recommend pot popcorn made with the thc-oil

Oh that sounds awesome ;D

So it's just turning regular cooking oil into THC cooking oil and then using that as a key ingredient?

I've always seen it done with butter, never with oil before so... Hm...?
Thanks :D

I meant oil* lmfao idk why I said butter.
Nvm again lol.
And kk.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 02:18:08 AM by Kilser »

yeah its almost the same thing as the butter way many people do.
but oil can be saved much longer if you didnt need to use it all at once.

i would use like a gram per 2 ounces of oil.
its the amount i like anyways
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 02:09:56 AM by Bisjac »

Got any good recipes for brownies/cookies?

I've never made them before, but I've got a bag right here and I wanna make some haha

Take water
Put in pot
Put pot on stove
Wait until boiling
Take ground up bud
Put bud in another pot
But butter or oil in that pot
Put the smaller pot with the weed and butter in it inside the pot with water
Wait until butter melts and binds with the weed. It'll smell like straight up dank, so be careful.

You'll only need to leave the butter going for 10-15 tops if you do it right (if you have the water boiling when you put the 2nd pot in)

And then once you finish the butter, just pour it into your brownie / cookie batter AMD boom, pot cookies and space cakes. c:

Seems easy enough.

So all in all it should take me about 15 minutes?

Sometimes when I get my hash it isn't packed very well (loose) which is frustrating. Might go about putting those bags into cooking.
Next time I get a bad bag, I'll make cookies or brownies and update here.

Seems easy enough.

So all in all it should take me about 15 minutes?

Sometimes when I get my hash it isn't packed very well (loose) which is frustrating. Might go about putting those bags into cooking.
Next time I get a bad bag, I'll make cookies or brownies and update here.

Yea, it doesn't take a genius to cook drugs. Here's how the rig should look, took this pic last batch I made.

I don't understand the need to put a small pot inside a bigger one, though? Is it to be sure that the butter doesn't burn?

I don't understand the need to put a small pot inside a bigger one, though? Is it to be sure that the butter doesn't burn?

Yea. And to make sure the weed doesn't actually ignite. I've done it once where there was no lower pot. and the weed was just burning and smoking up. Everybody got high, but not from the cookies.