Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 322719 times)

its never a good thing to enhale smoke, it kills brain cells, and other stuffs
to me the enjoyment of the experience outweighs the bad

but it basically does everything tobacco does without the chemical addiction and less bad with the black lung and cancer stuffs.

but it basically does everything tobacco does without the chemical addiction and less bad with the black lung and cancer stuffs.

bahahahaha good lord this is funny

bahahahaha good lord this is funny
what the fact that its true?
Only idiots think that pot is some miracle drug that cures cancer and everything it isn't. It does more harm than good to the body and is only prescribed for cancer patients because it makes the whole dying process more comfortable and can help chemo patients regain their appetite.

what the fact that its true?
Only idiots think that pot is some miracle drug that cures cancer and everything it isn't. It does more harm than good to the body and is only prescribed for cancer patients because it makes the whole dying process more comfortable and can help chemo patients regain their appetite.

Please, mr expert, tell me how weed does everything tabacco does but without addiction and lung disease/cancer. I never said anything about how it's a miracle drug, the whole response you just wrote out is one massive assumption of you implying i meant something (which I literally can't comprehend how you got that out of what I wrote)

Quote from:
In addition to the possible effects on your brain, smoking marijuana may also be hazardous to your developing lungs. Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke.
Quote from:
There are many reasons why marijuana is not worse
for you than smoking cigarettes. You may have heard
that “one joint is equal to ten cigarettes” but this is
exaggerated and misleading. Marijuana does contain more tar
than tobacco — but low tar cigarettes cause just as much
cancer, so what is that supposed to mean? Scientists have
shown that smoking any plant is bad for your lungs, because
it increases the number of ‘lesions’ in your small airways.
This usually does not threaten your life, but there is a
chance it will lead to infections. Marijuana users who are
worried about this can find less harmful ways of taking
marijuana like eating or vaporizing.

so yeah I was actually wrong about less black lung because pot has more tar in it than cigarettes (you just tend to smoke less because its not addictive)

i love how you criticize me for being an expert when I actually know what I'm talking about.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 04:45:35 AM by Littledude »

Is it just me because i'm still not seeing what that has to do with how you said it's the same as tobacco

all I see is stuff about how it contains more carcinogens (and once again, "Marijuana users who are
worried about this can find less harmful ways of taking marijuana like eating or vaporizing.")

physically tell me how it's the same lol, im also assuming you've both smoked tobacco and cannabis, correct?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 04:47:21 AM by Messes »

It has the same effects with tar buildup in the lungs and other stuff.

I don't know what you want me to say here.
Filling your lungs with smoke has the same effects whether the smoke be from tobacco or marijuana.
Pretty much the only difference is that you don't smoke as much because its not addictive.

but it basically does everything tobacco does without the chemical addiction and less bad with the black lung and cancer stuffs.
you're handicapped

you're handicapped
read the above, you are handicapped because I'm speaking facts

but anyway I'm going to sleep now, I'm coming down pretty hard from my high
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 04:58:14 AM by Littledude »

You're annoying and handicapped.

Please, mr expert, tell me how weed does everything tabacco does but without addiction and lung disease/cancer. I never said anything about how it's a miracle drug, the whole response you just wrote out is one massive assumption of you implying i meant something (which I literally can't comprehend how you got that out of what I wrote)

you're handicapped

I can see you guys are trying to deny it since you're already addicted to marijuana.

Marijuana and tobacco are equally bad, Marijuana is slowly kills you mentally while Cigarettes slowly kill you physically.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 07:23:43 AM by Aphtonites »

weed isnt addictive, i know 3 people who havent smoked in a week and theyre perfectly fine
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 08:51:58 AM by ? »

It has the same effects with tar buildup in the lungs and other stuff.

I don't know what you want me to say here.
Filling your lungs with smoke has the same effects whether the smoke be from tobacco or marijuana.
Pretty much the only difference is that you don't smoke as much because its not addictive.

Except you're wrong and basing your misconceptions on other misconceptions you have. Tobacco causes lung cancer and heart disease, while marijuana does neither of the two and in fact inhibits cancer growth.

tobacco = propagates cancer, inhibits lung function
marijuana = doesn't affect lung function in long term, inhibits cancer growth

Your above the influence quote is deceiving propaganda. Note the use of the word, "may" in the first 'fact' and that carcinogenic hydrocarbons are specified in the second statistic.

I can see you guys are trying to deny it since you're already addicted to marijuana.

Marijuana and tobacco are equally bad, Marijuana is slowly kills you mentally while Cigarettes slowly kill you physically.

Aphtonites has a slightly more informed view, but still ignorant. Marijuana has long-term mental effects if severely abused in adolescence. Psychosis and schizophrenia only arise if the individual was already predisposed to the diseases. Depersonalization disorder is not permanent unless again, you very heavily abuse the substance and is understandable considering if you spend the better part of your time in a different, seemingly more enjoyable mental state, anybody would be confused/depressed in sobriety. Depression from cannabis withdrawal is typical with any addiction and using it as an argument against marijuana makes you no better than people who lobby against heavy internet use.

weed isnt addictive, i know 3 people who havent smoked in a week and theyre perfectly fine

While the substance is chemically nonaddictive, you can be psychologically addicted to anything. I was addicted to pot for a while but at the same I'm addicted to talking to girls and eating at Panera.

Everybody here who has argued against it has definitely never smoked or made an effort aside from maybe some wikipedia browsing after watching some D.A.R.E. videos to learn about it.

tl;dr: Pot is only bad if severely abused, i.e., multiple times a day every day for an extended amount of time. Partaking on the weekend to relieve some stress is of no harm to you or your body. Use in moderation as with anything else. Every argument about any drug is based on the effects of very heavy use, and I don't think people understand that not everybody who smokes could be considered a stoner. Fun fact, your parents probably have/do still smoke(d) marijuana.

guise guise i smokd a big doobie am i cul yet????

Literally nobody smokes pot to be cool. You smoke to get high, not to impress people. People who brag about it are probably new to it. Anybody who smokes cigarettes started just to see what would happen/to be cool, it's a stuffty buzz and is only favorable if you gave yourself up to addiction. But no, not cool yet.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 11:18:49 AM by Robo___Noob »

guise guise i smokd a big doobie am i cul yet????

bahahahaha good lord this is funny
What's more funny is that this is a Drug Megathread on a Building Block game forum.