Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 324049 times)


i might be doing edibles this saturday at a party
whats the difference in the high?

i wanna know your thoughts, since i could google it
I personally like it a lot better than just smoking. It's like you're high but still really productive and happy
And it lasts a lot longer so thats also cool. I'm sure you'll have a good time :)

one of my friends get high off of silicon gels.

I've never had any edibles. :(
I want to make weed brownies but apparently they call for like a half ounce. I'm not patient enough to wait until I get that much D:

I've never had any edibles. :(
I want to make weed brownies but apparently they call for like a half ounce. I'm not patient enough to wait until I get that much D:
When I made weed brownies, I just called a grower I knew and asked if I could have his trim. He gave me about a pound which made about 3 of the strongest batches of brownies me or any of my friends had ever had. I put it in a magic bullet and grinded it into a fine powder. Trim works just as good.

I've never had any edibles. :(
I want to make weed brownies but apparently they call for like a half ounce. I'm not patient enough to wait until I get that much D:
Yeah I'm pretty hesitant to spend $175 just to make some brownies.

So I was offered acid yesterday and I'm really tempted to try it but I have no idea what kind of environment is ideal.  Anyone have an idea?

So I was offered acid yesterday and I'm really tempted to try it but I have no idea what kind of environment is ideal.  Anyone have an idea?
Few people, you don't want to be in a crowded place. Best just to try it with a couple friends I'd say, preferably with at least 1 sober.
Just chuck some music on and chill in your garden or something.

Me personally, I like to experience drugs alone for the first time. It's weird, because it's the only thing I like to do alone. I'm an extreme extrovert, but I'd much rather do a drug alone for the first time.

Anyway, regardless, do acid. Just make sure it's nowhere that you'll be afraid of (e.g. being found out in a public place)

I just though of something I've never though about before. When taking some drugs your pupils get larger, no? Does that mess with your vision? Can you no longer see clearly nearby?

My vision has been affected but I can't really say whether it's because of my pupils or the fact that I'm just tripping balls.
I'd say mostly the balls.

My vision has been affected but I can't really say whether it's because of my pupils or the fact that I'm just tripping balls.
I'd say mostly the balls.

when this happens, do you ever notice things start to wiggle? this happens to me a lot

MDMA is the best drugs I've had so far
So much energy and no problems the next day, aside from huge ass pupils

i have a question for everyone:
do your parents know? and if so are they cool with it?

My parents definitely know I smoke, at least my mom does, though I don't see her knowing and not telling my dad.
I've been high around her so many times and I'm pretty bad at playing sober, one time she was even joking about how my eyes were totally so red because of hey fever and stuffs. Apart from that though they've never really said anything.
They are kinda ok with it though, I mean all my other siblings (and my parents themselves (who have done even harder drugs)) have smoked up, guess they see it as something for me to figure out myself, just like drinking.
I'm cool with that.

i'm completely honest with my parents and they know everything i do. the only thing i have to hide is cigarettes from my dad