Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323798 times)

You can also make fuel out of corn. It isn't very popular. I wonder why.

Are you serious? What about carbon nanotubes, steel cables, and even spider silk. They are all 500x stronger than a dumb plant fiber.

Notice i said strongest fiber. Plus it's RENEWABLE. Thats the key, it makes it an endless supply for demand. And besides just that it makes clothes, homes, oil, FOOD, and many other things. Hell your 3 basic needs are covered by hemp: warmth, food, shelter
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 10:28:44 AM by Goth77 »

hye druggs r bad addn u shulo fel bad!!!11!!!

But are you loving stupid? It's clearly an addiction if smoking more makes him feel better.

Damn. You still had some argumentative value until you said this. If somebody doesn't even understand that psychological effects of a drug I'm not going to argue with them about the morality and legalization of it. Cannabis is a euphoriant. Its method of action makes you happy.  This is fact, I'm not speaking from personal experience and neither is anybody else when they say it makes you happy. It's not the reaction to an addiction. The first time you smoke you're happy and feel like everything will be alright.

you can get addicted to anything, i hate it when potheads try to tell me you can't get addicted to pot

While the substance is chemically nonaddictive, you can be psychologically addicted to anything. I was addicted to pot for a while but at the same I'm addicted to talking to girls and eating at Panera.

and this is the second part i hate

potheads downplaying psychological addictions like they're nothing. gambling isn't chemically addictive so it musn't be a problem for anyone either lol

The point of bringing this up in an argument for legalization is that, yes, things like gambling aren't chemically addictive, and people do have crippling addictions to them, but they're not illegal either.

And that's the thing, potheads brag about how it's the best thing ever that's being supressed by the government with lies auch as "it kills brain cells"
But are they aware that a lot of cannabis dealers are affiliated with websites that promote cannabis with bullstuff like "It won't harm you" "it cures autism" and "you can't get addicted to it" to gain customers?

This argument of yours is also a big misconception carried among people who don't smoke. Most people who start smoking don't just do it out of the blue, they are made curious by a friend or family member's use. I guess you're right and that one of the symptoms of smoking even once makes you a permanent sales rep. for the drug and you gotta convince everybody to use so that your connect makes more money. This is a common argument against legalization and is completely bunk. Would there be drug dealers and misinformation to increase sales if it were legalized/regulated in a fashion similar to cigarettes? No. Turns out your reason for being against legalization is a reason against illegalization too, cool right?

they are the same plant

Right, but wrong. Industrial hemp is generally Cannabis ruderalis which is a species with low THC and CBD as opposed to Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. Hemp is also harvested before the plant loveually matures (no pot). They come from the same plant, but you don't smoke hemp and you don't make paper out of marijuana.

I want a source, an unbiased source. No conspiracy theories about hemp being made illegal

Damn your views are pretty skewed. Hemp is extremely efficient. Something like 6 acres of trees could be replaced with 1 acre of hemp? It grows much faster than trees as well.

@People discussing B&Ms/swishers and spice: lmao. I'll forget with a blunt but if you smoke a cigars for the taste/nicotine buzz, I kinda respect you less. For spice, it's a dangerous alternative to a drug that is extremely easy to get. Spice is only easier to get if you're 13-16, and you really shouldn't be doing any psychoactive drugs for at least a few years after that. I'm kind of a hypocrite when it comes to the age factor though, but I'm talking from a speculative ideal mental health point of view. One of the probably few exceptions to this are people who are regularly piss tested, to whom I could say to just take a break from smoking for a little while.

Edit: @Littledude: weren't you the one who was just bitching about reefer because it hurts your lungs as much as tobacco? Now you're advocating cigars? The buzz is stuff and the taste is bland. Do 1.5g of mush and eat pizza if you want a buzz with a good taste.

@Kniaz: The hippy movement is soooo fifty years ago.

@Littledude again: John Lennon was sort of a hypocritical richard, lol. He beat the stuff out of his wives. Same with Paul McCartney.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 11:56:25 AM by Robo___Noob »

goth no offense but follow my orders

1. I am a lv8 stoner, you are lv1.

Pot isn't super good miracle herb for everything without any consequences. I have a few vids that may or may nor sway your opinion.

those are generally from both sides and are done by professional liberals, or just professionals. Or, I might be wrong. I'm just guessing as I saw the bottom two and really liked them, and I liked the descriptions for the top two. Either way, I think it will intrigue all of you today.

IMO pot makes everything 6x better so I kind of like that. However, it makes me notice pain much more (ie, cavities that I can easily ignore sober)
thankyou for taking the middleground 3rd side of this whole argument.

also, robonoob why are you hating on cigars? I was just smoking a cuban last night and it was really nice. both in terms of taste and the slight buzz
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 10:32:27 AM by Littledude »

Hey guys, stop arguing yeah?
Peace and love in the drug thread, peace and loooooooove

Everybody! Love! and Peace!


Hey guys, stop arguing yeah?
Peace and love in the drug thread, peace and loooooooove
I just saw the Fab Four(beatles tribute) last night and the John Lennon member gave a pretty long speech about how sad he was about Lennon being assassinated when all he wanted was peace and love. All right before doing a perfect loving cover for Imagine.

I just saw the Fab Four(beatles tribute) last night and the John Lennon member gave a pretty long speech about how sad he was about Lennon being assassinated when all he wanted was peace and love. All right before doing a perfect loving cover for Imagine.


The point of bringing this up in an argument for legalization is that, yes, things like gambling aren't chemically addictive, and people do have crippling addictions to them, but they're not illegal either.
dont get me wrong, i'm pro cannabis legalization and all that cool jazz

I stopped reading where it said "Drugs aren't bad".

I stopped reading where it said "Drugs aren't bad".
I stopped reading once I saw this post was by you.