Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323561 times)

mushrooms creep the living stuff out of me. they're all freaky lookings.

What's the "proper" way to use dextromethorphan polistirex (DMX I think)?

Just made a 1/4 ounce of grape ape budder hash. Did a few dabs today, tastes good af.

It's pure af and I'm selling for 50 a gram. loving love this stuff.

I'll take some pictures in a second.

Got together with some friends a few days ago, first actual high for one of them and he was losing his stuff, hilarious.

What's the "proper" way to use dextromethorphan polistirex (DMX I think)?

DXM? :D Well personally Look for these:
These are bad, mkay? You'll really forget YOURSELF UP so DONT loving do that stuff lol
My friend learned the hard way and he had to go to hospital because of damages to the linings of intestines or something.

Dextromethorphan HBr is the only thing you should take, or you'll risk your health. The 3 chemicals I listed I have personal experience with so don't make the mistakes of my group.

also 20 gelcaps I think.

*so probably phenyaline too

DXM? :D Well personally Look for these:
These are bad, mkay? You'll really forget YOURSELF UP so DONT loving do that stuff lol
My friend learned the hard way and he had to go to hospital because of damages to the linings of intestines or something.

Dextromethorphan HBr is the only thing you should take, or you'll risk your health. The 3 chemicals I listed I have personal experience with so don't make the mistakes of my group.

also 20 gelcaps I think.

*so probably phenyaline too
Oh boy now I have to pay attention in chemistry.

What's the "proper" way to use dextromethorphan polistirex (DMX I think)?
Don't do it. I did that stuff. Worst mistake of my life. My girlfriend and I decided never, ever again. We were forgeted up so bad we couldn't even talk. Everything made us sick. I threw up the reddest puke of my life (cough syrup is red) and my mom knew the entire time we were forgeted up cause we could hardly talk. My sense of balance was that of a person on a roller coaster's. My vision was unreliable at best. And that didn't help the worst nausea of my life. I managed to figure out how to walk straight even though my balance told me I was upside down on walking on the wall, and my vision said I was across the room or I just couldn't tell where I was. But every time I took a step I felt like puking. If I sat in my computer chair I'd gag. All I could do was lay down. And despite all these bad effects, not one good one existed. Closed eye visuals were the closest thing to good I had, and I had way, way better on LSD. Pretty much just points of light on my eyelids. Look at the sun for a half second then close your eyes. Better closed eye visuals. Save yourself the 12 hours of nausea and 8 of being forgeted beyond belief.

Oh, I should mention in a lot of drug stores you have to be 18 to buy DXM. For some reason, the particular product I bought wasn't actually flagged to be 18+ so I convinced the foreign cashier that since it said "12 and up" on the bottle that meant it was okay for me to buy it. If I'd picked up the product right next to it with the same "12 and up" label on it I would have to have had an ID scanned.

Oh boy now I have to pay attention in chemistry.
As far as chemistry goes, Dextromethorphan Hydrodgen Bromide is the salt form of DXM, so like table salt it dissolves in water. The water is heated to dissolve more of it to create a syrup and then tons of the worst flavorings you've ever tasted are added. Oh yeah, I left that out of the first part of my post. It tastes UNGODLY. I could hardly take sips without puking, gagged every single time, and it took me a half hour to down half a bottle.

If you're running chrome,

It's some stupid anti-coughsyrup propeganda site, but their recording of the effects are scarily similar to the ones I experienced. You gotta log in with facebook, it doesn't post stuff on your wall though.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 03:06:57 PM by Slicks555 »

Don't do it. I did that stuff. Worst mistake of my life. My girlfriend and I decided never, ever again.

back together?

back together?
Idk. She was my girlfriend at the time so I called her my girlfriend in the story. It'd be awkward if I called her my ex then because then it'd seem like I was having drug experiences with an ex which is weird.

Idk. She was my girlfriend at the time so I called her my girlfriend in the story. It'd be awkward if I called her my ex then because then it'd seem like I was having drug experiences with an ex which is weird.

today is an incredibly busy day.

contents shown from left to right;

macbook pro with a song i'm working on in ableton. a mouse for that macbook. a cup of water. ps3 playing little big planet. jar of weed. pill bottle of weed. joint. hitter. 2 more joints. mojito with extra gin. grinder. lighter. other macbook with facebook and skype on it. (in a conference call right now streaming something i'm working on).

shown here;

pill bottle full of weed.
jar of weed
2 more doobies
empty pill bottle
that glass jar is full of hash
pack of cigarettes.

today is an incredibly busy day.

contents shown from left to right;

macbook pro with a song i'm working on in ableton. a mouse for that macbook. a cup of water. ps3 playing little big planet. jar of weed. pill bottle of weed. joint. hitter. 2 more joints. mojito with extra gin. grinder. lighter. other macbook with facebook and skype on it. (in a conference call right now streaming something i'm working on).

shown here;

pill bottle full of weed.
jar of weed
2 more doobies
empty pill bottle
that glass jar is full of hash
pack of cigarettes.

Damn I wish I was 18 :(

Bump cause I'm high af