Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323748 times)

I tried adderall for the first time today in class lol

That's how I did it. I popped some before first period and went through the day. It was nice, and I was able to focus well.

I have 8 periods in a day (each being around 45 minutes) and I popped one 30mg right before 3rd period. Around half way through 4th period it started to kick in. I actually had trouble focusing at all and just felt really loving hyper and had the urge to just get up and run. It pretty much stayed like that until my last period of the day (gym) and I felt exhausted. My friends said my face was completely red

For me I popped it before I came to school, and it kicked in about half an hour later. First period I was calmed, second period it seemed to wear off and I got super tired, and then third period I was off the walls and I couldn't sit still.

Now kids, you shouldn't be doing drugs at school.

Drop out of school so you can take drugs without anyone bothering you.

Now kids, you shouldn't be doing drugs at school.

Drop out of school so you can take drugs without anyone bothering you.
On the rare occasion I do drugs at school its probably when its an easy day and we aren't really doing any work just hanging around class or doing something related to an upcoming holiday. But adderall is an exception I take that for tests, it gives me obsessive behavior to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong because most of my missed points on tests are silly mistakes

The only time I did drugs at school is I would smoke a bowl in my car in the morning before classes started.

I've smoked weed before school once before. I felt like I did stufftier than I normally do in school so I just decided not to do it again until there's an easy day (like tomorrow for example cause we have an assembly)

ive smoked a couple times before school before. it made my first two periods so much better.

ive also smoked once during school and that sucked ass never again

Smoking before school was fun.
Apart from one time when I felt like complete stuff and ended up just passing out in the sick bay, which was much better than going to classes so it worked out orrite.

Never smoked before or during school. Once I did a shot after lunch though.

Lol you kids and your weed stories. One day during my lunch, back when I was a senior, I  smoked a quarter gram of some really clear crystal with my neighbor. Came back to school tweaked out of my mind (stayed up the whole night before smoking it too), and I was 40 mins late. I made up some excuse but the bitchy coach that taught government was really suspicious. I had also taken about 200mg of DXM before I came to school, and I spent that entire class pretending to work but secretly suspecting that everyone was whispering about me.

i once did lsa in school

it took me such a long time to get up the stairs
they wouldnt stop shifting back and forth and it was all really confusing

smoked before 5th period and told my teacher i was in the bathroom for 20 minutes and thats why I was late
she definitely didnt believe it

smoked before 5th period and told my teacher i was in the bathroom for 20 minutes and thats why I was late
That's just dumb
Why would you do this stuff on school?