Author Topic: Suggestions mostly regarding administration  (Read 7337 times)

All that stuff isn't part of real phyics, and those were added by MODS of BL. Badspot never said they were good for something like Retail :/ Wrench is the new EW, but without physics bypassing, underground bricks=way to spam without being seen, movers aren't possible, stretching bricks isn't possible because of the new format, you'd have to make a new brick for every possibility of stretch, anyway.

You guys are still missing my entire point.

I don't want floating bricks. I don't want NO floating bricks.

I want the option. I want each server to be able to choose for themselves what they want on their server. Someone please tell me you understand; I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

Were talking about having floating bricks at all -_-

there should never be floating bricks at all.

How about if I explain my position more completely, then you can actually explain yours instead of merely stating it.  :cookieMonster:

First and foremost, when talking about blockland we need to bear in mind that it's not so much a "game" like basketball as it is a "toy" like block-Os. This shifts the desirability away from strategic decisions and toward the creative expression of the person using the toy. The issue then is not, say, wether or not floating bricks would imbalance the "game", but rather wether or not floating bricks are or can ever be part of a desirable creative expression.

When examining any sort of online entertainment, we see a large tendency toward customization of the play experience. In Source engine games, plug-ins not specifically associated with the game in question are often installed on host machines to allow administrative tasks not normally available according to the standard game, as well as extra UI features. In online strategy games, one can host a game with a great myriad of options to the game in question, such as random/fixed start positions, starting resources, fog of war behavior, etc. These options are not ignored; people use them to the fullest. In BL itself people shove things into their "Add-Ons" folder for basketballs and portal guns and hookshots. Clearly there is no one "perfect" game, and everyone has their own preferences.

The question then becomes when additional preference becomes a bad thing. Nothing created in blockland can't be created in a 3d modelling program, but it's much more time-consuming and takes more knowledge of a given program; this is enough for most people to think of as "not fun". So, by limiting player actions, we can make things simpler and easier.

Another issue is consistency. Even if all possible option sets for an online game are simple, if they vary widely enough and are not clearly different at first glance, people can become confused and upset when the gamespace doesn't behave how they expect.

The first issue, simplicity, can be dismissed easily enough; Everyone can understand floating bricks. People opposed to floating bricks as an option habitually fail to explain their reasoning, but occasionally I can get an inkling toward issue number 2, consistency (in the form of, for example, "it would be too hard to judge a screenshot for quality"). To this I say, nonsense. If it's that big an issue, it can be a Yes/No flag right next to Ded and Pass on the server list. We can't prove that a good solution to immediately-recognizeable floating in one form or another can't be done - only that we fail to think of a way - and therefore the idea should be rejected upon such failure, rather than outright.

edit: I apologize for straw-manning the opposition, but they've yet to give any rationale whatsoever, so I have no choice but to speculate on possible arguments.

 :cookie: for anyone who wants to post reasons (reasons) why floating bricks should not even be an option for servers.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 07:14:06 PM by JJ10DMAN »

I agree with you JJ, and any of you peeps who ASBOLUTLY DO NOT WANT FLOATING BRICKS, even as an option... Speak up, let us know why. We already know it will ruin the game, but a button in the admin menu that says Floating bricks will ruin a game?

Alright, fine I agree with you.

You make it.

I think...
Alright, fine I agree with you.

You make it.
That right there deserves...


« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 10:02:16 PM by tapemaster21 »

I has no idea how for to do that lololol
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 02:56:10 AM by JJ10DMAN »

So don't start complaining, you arrogant fool !