Author Topic: Taboo's Good Ass Servers (Dead Man's Fort Wars! 1/21)  (Read 14084 times)

Hosting with Megabear's new racetrack as a deathrace because why not! We really don't have enough anyway.
Who is Megabear.


You know, Its funny how there are all these threads that have epic builds like this one and yet, there isn't a single thread that has any good trees. There have been threads asking for good trees yet no one can make one. Funny ain't it

i probably could if i felt like it but for one reason or another none of my builds ever really have a lot of grassy nature.

All ships by Comr4de, used with minor acknowledgement, halfassedly fillcanned and vehicles adjusted by myself.
I spat milk lol

Now setting up a naval TDM with ships courtesy of Oceanco! Come on down, it'll be done soon~

Naval CTF complete!
Going to host within 30m as my computer relaxes for a bit because BOY HOWDY dat brick count.

Naval CTF complete!
Going to host within 30m as my computer relaxes for a bit because BOY HOWDY dat brick count.
Sounds cool, I'll be there.

you should host something.

Hosting an Island Fort Wars, come on down laddies!

Takin' a break from hosting fort wars to have a good old fashioned deathmatch, come on down~!

Now hosting a classic ACM City TDM with T+T to test my dedicated hosting~
Come on down and help me stress test!

Now testing my totally awesome upgraded old PC for dedicated hosting, come on down for some dumb stuff!