Author Topic: They're legalizing mariuana?  (Read 30640 times)

And no "it's government propaganda" crap. The entire medical community isn't going to lie to us. These facts are well accepted, and some here have even admitted to having some.

Like I have said before, marijuana effects aren't necessarily intact for everyone. It is partially chemically addictive, but not as much as, say, Heroin.

If anyone is going to kill to get a Marijuana 'fix' that person already has some sort of preliminary physiological ailment or addiction.

Cannabis use will not create any sort of drive to commit crimes in order to fuel the desire for more Cannabis. A Marijuana high is a pleasant feeling, not to be mistaken with a 'Hard' high, responsible Cannabis use does not and will not have any physiological withdrawals, the only way to feel withdrawals from the effects of Cannabis would be to smoke often and with great quantity.

You can't. You can however overdose on JRA.
loel u funni.

forget you.

the only way to feel withdrawals from the effects of Cannabis would be to smoke often and with great quantity.
Which will follow with addiction. One of the druggies admitted to taking an extreme dose, despite saying he was "responsible".

the only way to feel withdrawals from the effects of Cannabis would be to smoke often and with great quantity.
Actually, not even that. To feel physical addiction you'd need to take repeated and large doses of PURE thc. Doses larger and more frequent than heroin users. That simply doesn't happen realistically.
This reporter received massive doses, and she will feel absolutely no withdrawl effects in the coming hours, days, or weeks, to put it into perspective.
Marijuana is not Heroin / Cocaine. Marijuana is not chemically addictive, I don't have any physiological or physical withdrawals if I do not smoke for a week, let alone wanting to kill/rob someone for Weed.
Narko knows virtually nothing about drugs and continues to make dumbstuff posts without citing sources, often reiterating points we've already addressed or debunked, hell-bent on just generally being a jackass because he has some sort of vendetta against substances and users. He continues to reciprocate propaganda garbage and has yet to make a tangible point. Don't argue with him, it won't go anywhere, it'll just clog the thread with bullstuff, not discussion.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 04:02:09 PM by yuki »

nothing good is going to come from this

also i demand a source

nothing good is going to come from this

also i demand a source


nothing good is going to come from this

also i demand a source
Except, you know, a huge economic boost, the rise of an industry, and the ending to a right-violating and unethical prohibition of a substance that is virtually harmless.

Narko knows virtually nothing about drugs and continues to make dumbstuff posts without citing sources, often reiterating points we've already addressed or debunked, hell-bent on just generally being a jackass because he has some sort of vendetta against substances and users. He continues to reciprocate propaganda garbage and has yet to make a tangible point. Don't argue with him, it won't go anywhere, it'll just clog the thread with bullstuff, not discussion.

Once again, you refer to well-accepted medical information as "big, bad government propaganda", because the job of laws isn't to protect us, but to take away our freedom.

Oh, and you want sources? How about a link to a website you directed me to, one that even has a side affect with citation to a scientific study.

Oh wait, the government made that part up.

huge economic boost? it'll take years for it to get going strong

what good has pot done for mankind?

unethical? it interferes with the chemical signals in your body


Once again, you refer to well-accepted medical information as "big, bad government propaganda", because the job of laws isn't to protect us, but to take away our freedom.

Oh, and you want sources? How about a link to a website you directed me to, one that even has a side affect with citation to a scientific study.

Oh wait, the government made that part up.
We've already had this discussion, and you keep coming back to stuff I've already addressed to you personally. I don't know why you're so unbelievably butthurt about cannabis, I don't know if a plant came into your house and shot your dog, but I'm done arguing with you.
huge economic boost? it'll take years for it to get going strong
It's already going.
what good has pot done for mankind?
What good has McDonalds, Video Games, Energy Drinks, or Tobacco done for mankind? This type of reasoning is completely illogical. If everything was rated on its benefit to our species, then we'd be living in a utopia with no disease or crime or corruption, but that doesn't happen.
unethical? it interferes with the chemical signals in your body
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 04:12:48 PM by yuki »

We've already had this discussion, and stuff I've already addressed to you personally.
I don't recall, please repeat said "stuff". Really most of your recent posts against me are nothing more then calling me stupid and bringing up no proof whatsoever. And still saying our government is out to get us.

wrong? it interferes with your brain

and yeah i guess if you count the tiny foreign black market for marijuana then yeah its going

but pot has only brought crime and violence

temporary pleasure  for one person doesnt do anything good for mankind

Kearn, the black market was started by the government making it illegal. I support the government legalizing it, as long as they can tax and regulate it, to avoid the abuse caused by illegal marketing/no regulation.

Why would people die from lighting a leaf on fire?

Think about it for a second.
I don't really care about the whole deal (and this is extraordinarily late, I might add) but I just want to say that your logic is stupid.

Given that the marijuana leaf has a different chemical composition than regular leafs, you can't really compare the two.
Regardless, let's imagine we had a leaf made of explosives. By your logic, no one would die if they lit it on fire. Because it's a leaf.
It's obvious you haven't thought about it. At all.

Again, because I'm certain any replies to this will make this mistake because I have a severe lack of trust in all of your minds, I am neither for or against, but the movement for would be stronger if you'd all stop saying stupid stuff.