Author Topic: They're legalizing mariuana?  (Read 30637 times)

The people "more knowledgeable" about drugs are the ones that have already done them. Simple.

The problem with these arguments is experience. Apparently I can't say anything without trying it first. Of course it will give me a good feeling. I might not even get bad effects at first. But am I going to risk my health like that? Am I going to risk getting addicted? So I'm not going to try it. But the only point you push is that "I need to try it first".

Ugh, you're so bigoted, it's loving useless arguing with you.

Reading these 12 pages made me want to smoke weed and drink beer at the same time.
Is it just me, or is it normal?

if I ever start smoking weed just shoot me in the head

if I ever start smoking weed just shoot me in the head

Get the forget out of here.

Ugh, you're so bigoted, it's loving useless arguing with you.
Back to just insulting me.

What am I so bigoted about? I know people have had bad effects. I've seen legitimate articles and facts on why it can have bad effects[r]. The proof is overwhelming that Marijuana is bad in the first place. Our government, correction, we make laws to protect ourselves. People voted for these laws, not the big, bad, all-powerful entity that some portray our government as.

And who voted to pass those laws?

The people who were extremely misinformed and uneducated about marijuana due to that propaganda stuff in the first place. Those overprotective moms who want to protect their children from anything they deem bad in their books, which, we all know, is stupid stuff.

if I ever start smoking weed just shoot me in the head
Please start smoking weed because I'd be GLAD to.

Back to just insulting me.

What am I so bigoted about? I know people have had bad effects. I've seen legitimate articles and facts on why it can have bad effects[r]. The proof is overwhelming that Marijuana is bad in the first place. Our government, correction, we make laws to protect ourselves. People voted for these laws, not the big, bad, all-powerful entity that some portray our government as.

You're bigoted about your own opinion on Marijuana, you've never tried Marijuana yet you constantly come in saying it's a 'Bad' drug with dodgy details at that. Cannabis is illegal because of many attributes, the main reason being propaganda, once a fact/lie is drilled into someones head it is impossible to retract, with minorities using Cannabis the public opinion turned against Cannabis, Logging was against Hemp because it was cheaper then wood, Oil was against Hemp because it was a renewable and cheaper resource, the government began to slowly turn the tide, the movie industry made films like 'Reefer Madness' thus leading to a public rendition that Marijuana is a horrible drug that belongs under the Schedule 1 category, a blatant misconception that was widely accepted, ignorance.

On a side note, list some serious health-defects that Cannabis causes, or list why it's so 'bad.'
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 05:15:56 PM by Desolation »

psychological addiction, withdrawl, lung damage because idiots don't know what they're doing, and obesity due to a deep hunger during prolonged smoking

psychological addiction, withdrawl, lung damage because idiots don't know what they're doing, and obesity due to a deep hunger during prolonged smoking

Psychological addiction: Can happen with anything, it depends on the individual, look at Chocolate and food. Cannabis is not chemically addictive.

Lung Damage: Individuals who smoke to often will develop lung damage.

Obesity: They clearly don't need to be smoking weed if they aren't able to resist the urge to eat, if you're a responsible smoker you won't need to worry about this.

The main point being that if you are responsible with smoking then you're good to go, the majority of issues are all caused by the individual and not the drug.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 05:20:10 PM by Desolation »

you are really stupid because with psychological addiction to chemicals/drugs you are absolutely convinced that if you don't take more THC then you will die

its hard to lose weight but going without eating a certain food isnt hard at all

you are really stupid because with psychological addiction to chemicals/drugs you are absolutely convinced that if you don't take more THC then you will die

You clearly did not read my statement. The individual develops a psychological addiction. Psychological addiction can happen with anything, Food, Video-Games, Television, Adrenaline, Sports, ect. Also, there has never been any recorded scenario in which someone has been driven to that stage of addiction from Cannabis.

its hard to lose weight but going without eating a certain food isnt hard at all

This furthers my point.

This furthers my point.

furthers your point?

you really are handicapped

you can go without eating a type of food that you prefer to eat all the time but if you use foreign chemicals that have a neurological effect then your brain wants you to have more of it even if you aren't physically dependent

The people who were extremely misinformed and uneducated about marijuana due to that propaganda stuff in the first place.
"Propaganda stuff" didn't come until after laws were passed.

On a side note, list some serious health-defects that Cannabis causes, or list why it's so 'bad.'
Here is a copy+paste from This is not a state-sponsored site, so no "hurr durr propaganda" bullstuff
Negative effects:
nausea, especially in combination with alcohol, some pharmaceuticals, or other psychoactives
coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems
difficulty with short-term memory during effects and during periods of frequent use (Ranganathan M, D'Souza DC, Psychopharmacology, 2006)
racing heart, agitation, feeling tense
mild to severe anxiety
panic attacks in sensitive users or with very high doses (oral use increases risk of getting too much)
dizziness, confusion
lightheadedness or fainting (in cases of lowered blood pressure)
paranoid & anxious thoughts more frequent
possible psychological dependence on cannabis
clumsiness, loss of coordination at high doses
can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorder
It's not a given that you will experience all these, but I'm sure there are many cases in which such exists.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 05:32:23 PM by Narkro555 »

furthers your point?

you really are handicapped

you can go without eating a type of food that you prefer to eat all the time but if you use foreign chemicals that have a neurological effect then your brain wants you to have more of it even if you aren't physically dependent

You're very stupid, you did not read my statement on obesity at all.

   * nausea, especially in combination with alcohol, some pharmaceuticals, or other psychoactives Be responsible, don't mix drugs.
    * coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems No stuff? Inhaling foreign elements will cause me to cough!?!
    * difficulty with short-term memory during effects and during periods of frequent use (Ranganathan M, D'Souza DC, Psychopharmacology, 2006) This is part of being high.
    * racing heart, agitation, feeling tense Smoke with friends, in a safe and peaceful place, all agitation should evaporate providing that you don't have anything to be agitated about.
    * mild to severe anxiety None of my friends nor I, have ever experienced this.
    * panic attacks in sensitive users or with very high doses (oral use increases risk of getting too much) Individualized, be responsible.
    * headaches I've only experienced slight headaches and that's when I'm coming down, if you're prone to headaches then you shouldn't smoke weed. The same goes with Drinking but people do it anyway.

    * dizziness, confusion This is part of being high.
    * lightheadedness or fainting (in cases of lowered blood pressure) This is part of being high.
    * paranoid & anxious thoughts more frequent This is part of being high.
    * possible psychological dependence on cannabis Can happen with anything.
    * clumsiness, loss of coordination at high doses This is part of being high.

    * can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders Be responsible.

The reason most people get high is to feel different. None of those side-affects are severe enough to support an argument that Cannabis is a horrible drug.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 05:39:47 PM by Desolation »