Author Topic: League of Legends - "The Enemies Inhibitor is respawning soon!"  (Read 155714 times)

With the new update it keeps saying update failed and wont let me play :(

Im so gonna buy graves ;3

Been getting into this.
Great fun so far, playing Sivir and planning on getting Lux or something along those lines.

I'm still not very good at any role that's not a tank...


I'm still not very good at any role that's not a tank...


Tanks that do damage are the best.

Im so gonna buy graves ;3
He looks so dirty D:<

Tanks that do damage are the best.
Trinity force/Tank Alistar.
AP/Tank Shen.

But I did get a pretty good game using Riven. Though, I don't know if I was doing good or the enemy was just bad. People keep trying to say she's a tanky DPS but I really don't think she can fit that role good enough. CDR AD and lifesteal work great with her.

I keep trying to use Nidalee, and I can do good. I just do bad more often than I do good. Though we still usually win even when I do bad, because of her heal/ASpeed buff, plus traps. So sad that her heal took a gigantic nerf. I can't instantly heal people to full health anymore.

I still try other champions here and there, if I'm ever in the mood for it.

I like playing Mundo, mostly because he's really easy to play.

I like playing Mundo, mostly because he's really easy to play.
I made this myself.

Tanks that do damage are the best.
I've been playing mostly tanks. I've been playing mainly Jarvan and Rammus, but I've tried Leona (she's pretty awesome).

I just won a 4v5 round 30 minutes ago as Rammus. We were losing pretty bad most of the game, but once I had most of my build done I carried my entire team and won. It was really fun. I want to try some assassins though, and maybe some casters too. The problem is in solo play no one ever plays tanks, so when I play an assassin we generally get destroyed.

I've been playing mostly tanks. I've been playing mainly Jarvan and Rammus, but I've tried Leona (she's pretty awesome).

I just won a 4v5 round 30 minutes ago as Rammus. We were losing pretty bad most of the game, but once I had most of my build done I carried my entire team and won. It was really fun. I want to try some assassins though, and maybe some casters too. The problem is in solo play no one ever plays tanks, so when I play an assassin we generally get destroyed.
I play draft mode, and when I'm playing with people I don't know...

The last person to pick will pick what our team already has. Like someone picking Singed when I already picked Alistar. Another case where someone picked Soraka after I've already picked another support, Sona. Then there's the horrifying match where 3 people picked melee AD champions. Me and the other last team member were now to pick our champions. The other guy pick and locks Master Yi and tells me to tank.

I play draft mode, and when I'm playing with people I don't know...

The last person to pick will pick what our team already has. Like someone picking Singed when I already picked Alistar. Another case where someone picked Soraka after I've already picked another support, Sona. Then there's the horrifying match where 3 people picked melee AD champions. Me and the other last team member were now to pick our champions. The other guy pick and locks Master Yi and tells me to tank.
Yeah. A bunch of the guys I go to school with play, and hopefully I'll be able to get into a lot more pre-mades.

Yeah. A bunch of the guys I go to school with play, and hopefully I'll be able to get into a lot more pre-mades.
I joined an online team with my brother and an IRL friend. Though I can't play with them too much because my current computer is a pile so I can't play LoL and voice chat at the same time unless I'm using another computer. I just don't like it when I get stuck with some random new person who joins the team, freaks out and does really bad, and then gets kicked from the group after I already lost 2 or 3 times with them.

Skele, Chrono. If you guys ever want to you should add me, I'll bring some of my team, we often need one more.

I mean it's a 5 person team but either Blake or Mat aren't there. (Blake is one of Volga's IRL friend and Mat is a cool dude.)

So we almost always have a pug, if yall want to fill in sometimes that's cool.

Volga is part of the group with both of our best friends.

Hey chrono you should try kennen. I play him mostly because of the massive damage he does in teamfights.
He can turn a teamfight around if ur team is losing.

hey cool im almost level 30


also im obviously the best akali in any game