Author Topic: Limited fuel Jetpack  (Read 1449 times)

One line isn't much extra effort.

I think fuel jet pack SHOULD work with jets just for lolz :)


I think fuel jet pack SHOULD work with jets just for lolz :)
All you'd do is increase or decrease your ability to use them.

So how easy would a script like this take to make?


I blame all the people bumping 8 topics in a row for putting this on the next page.

How about just make a playertype that has limited fuel, and add an item that you can pick up that refills your "fuel" bar?

Also, maybe it would come with events, like "AddFuel"?

How about just make a playertype that has limited fuel, and add an item that you can pick up that refills your "fuel" bar?

Also, maybe it would come with events, like "AddFuel"?

I kind of think a Jetpack like Duke Nukem 3D would be better/cooler.