Beta Tester Application Outline
What I am looking for in an application:
- Contanct information
- Email: I'll PM you this if you want me, plus I have Skype if you like using that.
- Forum account:

- How much you play BL: From 3 to 7 hours a day, some times a lot longer. But then there's days I don't play at all. I would say at least 35 hours a week.
- What Times

I usually play when this clock is between 15:05:00 and 3:00:00 (sometimes I'm up later in the Night)
- How much you know about scripting/modeling Modeling a little, Scripting not much at all.
- Qualifications/Previous work Nothing. :/
Please answer the following literary competence question:
To what extent do violent video games influence our society?
Violent video games are more commendable to our society than abominable. For example, you have Grand Theft Auto, a game with gangs, drugs, killing, and even rape. If a messed up person that needs to kill to feel happiness then its good they got their hands on a X-box controller before getting there hands on a gun. Games like Grand Theft auto will satisfy their needs. Plus take a child, still learning, adapting, still trying to apprehend the world. From video games they're going to learn skills like, problem solving, following instructions and Hand-eye coordination. Depending on the game they're playing they can even learn Resource management and logistics ex. SimCity or Age of Empires...
I'm starting to think you don't want to a too detailed answer so I'm just going to shorten what I want to say up. Video Games teach people Multitasking, Quick thinking, Strategy, memory and even important life skills like perseverance. So aside from obesity Videogames are all in all a great influence to society and they don't promote violence.