Author Topic: [AA] Avialliance - Closed until further notice  (Read 35533 times)

How ironic that the Flight clan, Avialliance hosts on the day of 9/11.
And thus, I love this clan.

Its odd. I'm not sure if its a neat gesture, or borderline poor taste. :I

Hey, I thought I was part of the Clan? If not can I join? I'm good at taxiing, taking off, flying, and communicating with control tower but need help with landings!

Both Mr.LoL and I are super happy the server is back! :D
All the new mods are awesome
but the one I'm a bit worried about is the vehicle rampage... Maybe a bit abusive but really run, so though to choose! BUT with fuel and waypoints addon stuff it makes ATC's life a bit easier c:
I have also been working on the emergency crew building so say an crew is needed on runway02 ATC would send the emergency building a message to show which runway and what is needed. Just to add to the RP side if free flying.

Just to add as well for safety of pilots, it is now under ATC's watch to make sure pilots have minimum of 1750units of fuel before takeoff. It allows the aircraft to travel 3 islands and have 1 extra go around OR 2 islands and 2 extra go arounds. We would suggest having more when taking off but we only want aircraft with 1750units of fuel minimum taking off! I expect we'll set up some fueling stations at the airports sooner or later.

Thought I'd update on what I've been doing. OH and a couple more things! BattleBrain passed his "Instinct test" for ATC so that's 2/3! He now has the physical test and reactions test to do. Plus his flight test...
Lastly, RingsOfSaturn. I need a word with you, nothing bad at all. We just need to resolve something that is all! Don't fret.

Hope to see some of you flying around some time!! :D

rediac likes the rampaging vehicles

Yeah we had some interesting moments of him hitting everything but me. :L
Mr.Lol, Rediac and I were on the server, he flew up and around in a jet and hit the ground. It wiped out the building, killed Mr.Lol and te plane but I survived without a scratch! Woo! c:

Mr.Lol, Rediac and I were on the server, he flew up and around in a jet and hit the ground. It wiped out the building, killed Mr.Lol and te plane but I survived without a scratch! Woo! c:

Dear oh dear. You don't want to do what Twix did and be synonymous for finding 9/11 fun.

it had nothing more to do with 9/11 then destroying a building.

Jam cleared my bricks right when i was about to hit him so i always died :(

it had nothing more to do with 9/11 then destroying a building.

Jam cleared my bricks right when i was about to hit him so i always died :(

9/11 anniversary > plane clan crashes jet into building

Not inspired by anything, obviously.

because i just read that mack included rampaging vehicles and me joining server to crashing into jam jars buildings automactically makes it related to 9/11

because i just read that mack included rampaging vehicles and me joining server to crashing into jam jars buildings automactically makes it related to 9/11

It does when its a day after the very public anniversary of the event. I'm not a loving dope, you aren't fooling anyone.

Especially when this building was 1 floor! :L

Especially when this building was 1 floor! :L

Doesn't have to be a real life replica of the WTC to be inspired by it you douche.

sorry if i seem inactive, just had a lot of school stuff goin on

Doesn't have to be a real life replica of the WTC to be inspired by it you douche.
Hurtful... :c

Doesn't have to be a real life replica of the WTC to be inspired by it you douche.
Is it bad I was going to add my WTC save from Wehrmechs server too?
And Im surprised you so patriotic when you live in New Zealand.