Author Topic: Blockland single player adventure story.  (Read 5734 times)

Why are you requesting things that come default with BL? ._.

NO. NO. NO. NO. NO!!!!!


Honestly, it's not even funny anymore. It's too overused. And every time anyone makes a topic like this, it fails because it gets flooded with BLMA jokes.

Ahh lego island was amazing.

i still say 'romp through childhood'

i mean, you can go ANYWHERE with it. you could start with the kid playing things like cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, knights and princesses, that kind of innocent thing. then he hits puberty and everything gets dark, gritty, etc, and all the characters you 'grew up' with are suddenly drug addled and complete badasses and generally murder people thoughtlessly on a regular basis. then, he hits the teenager years where everything REALLY begins to go south, the kid imagining things mostly comprised of eldritch abominations, really really stereotypically metal monsters, atomic warfare, death and destruction, leading to the final boss (which could be the kid's mentality, or his anger at his old childhood -you, the blockhead- not succumbing to his 'grown up' reasoning).

then, in the after-story or the post-final-boss, you have reconstructions of all the stages that the kid has gone through. the cowboys and indians, the cops and robbers, etcetera, have developed into legitimate characters because of the challenges of his hormone-crazed mind, and you can challenge the kid (or should i say, college student?) to a sort of bonus boss fight, much harder then the original encounter

That is an interesting idea, but it sounds a bit too deep for blockland.

it's too deep for a game without a basic plotline to begin with. seriously?

dude, you can make anything deep if you execute it right. toy story was deep, and it was about a bunch of children's toys. up was deep and it was about a journey to south america

it's too deep for a game without a basic plotline to begin with. seriously?

dude, you can make anything deep if you execute it right. toy story was deep, and it was about a bunch of children's toys. up was deep and it was about a journey to south america
True. Very true. I'm just worried that the N00BZ will not get it at all and just flame our asses off for it.
Though perhaps, to lighten things up in the darker part, we should include just little bits and pieces of humor, just to show that there is still a light in all that darkness.

thank you for completely missing my point

that's the entire concept behind the 'reconstruction' phase

Well if anyone wants to do the scripting portion I wouldn't mind doing the interior design and map design portion.

>someone else suggests adventure mode
>"forget off noob"
>lord tony suggests it
>"sounds cool!"

some people just have more pull then others

but then again, it is tony. i smell witchcraft

some people just have more pull then others

but then again, it is tony. i smell witchcraft
I honestly don't see how this is any different from other requests. As a matter of fact, its not even as well put together as other ones. Yet people act like no ones ever suggested it before.

I honestly don't see how this is any different from other requests. As a matter of fact, its not even as well put together as other ones. Yet people act like no ones ever suggested it before.

Usually if a person suggests an idea and they are not very well known then no one will listen to their idea.

Usually if a person suggests an idea and they are not very well known then no one will listen to their idea.
It's just the complete contrast of the whole thing. I know about what your saying, but people are all "great idea" "sounds cool!" when other places, people just say "no forget you all ideas can be done with VCE".

"no forget you all ideas can be done with VCE".

I just think the whole thing would be better in single player map form.