Author Topic: Anti Jokes  (Read 2809 times)

Why did the chicken cross the road?

He was being chased by a child enthusiast.

London Bridge was falling down ...

And everybody loving died a slow and painful death.

The I vomited into my ...

After cuts to the church, catholics stage a violent protest. The police do stuff

After cuts to mosks (?), Muslims stage a peaceful protest. Armed police and riot cops turn up in cars and on horses.

I don't know what or if they're called something but I like the type of jokes used in You Don't Mess with the Zohan, like when they're talking about cellphones or something and they're asking eachother about specs, just acting everyday normal and it's just funny for some reason.
It's also hilarious how everyone from the middle east has some cultural "disco" thing going on :cookieMonster:

« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 07:05:56 PM by Nymethus »

What's green and has wheels?

Grass, I lied about the wheels.

Whats black and blue and red all over?
Your monday of a mums blue waffle (Moudly vagina) after she had her period.

Whats the difference between a dog and chinese food?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 07:12:05 PM by Skorpion »

What happens when you throw a red rock in a blue river?

It gets wet.

Why did the magnet cross the road?

Because I made him.

Why can't Little Wayne read?

Because he's black.

forget u

Why can't Hellen Keller drive?

Because she's a woman.

A man walks into a bar, a metel bar like a pole, so he get's hurt.

Wanna hear a funny joke?

Women's Rights

What do you call a man in a Las Vegas penitentiary?

Unloved by his wife, unknown to his children, contemplating Self Delete.