Author Topic: v20 problem - Automatic file downloading  (Read 7870 times)

In my server, I use certain modifications of default add-ons (e.g the Bow). However, in v20, the Blockland Launcher automatically downloads the unmodified default Bow and places it in the add-ons folder. Because of this, I am unable to use the modified Bow in my server (without tediously having to copy and rename the add-on).

Another small issue is that I cannot remove the default screenshots from the screenshot folder.

My question is, is it possible to bypass the automatic file downloading in v20?


  • Administrator
You're just going to have to suffer the tedium of properly renaming your modifications instead of raping the default game files.  Sorry.

That's ok, I can live with that. Just had to make sure there wasn't en easier way.

Wait, so I would need to rename the datablocks or only the files themselves?

EDIT: Works with the Horse, but for some reason, I can't get the Bow to work when renamed.

You would need to extract any add-on you want to change and rename its folder (if it has a namecheck.txt, you have to modify this). Then, disable the original add-on.

In the new add-on, keep the datablocks as they are, except you should change all filepaths to the original files (example: "./arrowHit.wav" to "Add-Ons/Weapon_Bow/arrowHit.wav"), to avoid unneccesary re-downloading.

If you have any add-ons that require datablocks from default add-ons (Akimbo Guns, Tank and many custom weapons and vehicles) this would cause some issues (datablock overwriting ?), so you should do something about that. Open the server.cs in those add-ons, and make them check for the new modified add-ons instead. If you are modifying the Gun or anything the Tank relies on (Jeep, Rocket Launcher, Gravity Rocket), you also have to change the server.cs in the Guns Akimbo and Tank add-ons (if you are using them). Obviously, since you are modifying these add-ons, they too will have to be extracted and renamed following the steps above.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 01:35:26 PM by Jorgur »

It's much simpler than that: bowImageOrWhatever.variable = "xyz";

However, add-ons are executed in reverse ABC order so you it has to be lower in the alphabet than the bow. Or you can simply put it in a script_ add-on because it will be both executed after weapon_ and vehicle_.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 11:12:09 AM by Kalphiter »

So my low jump default horse is now regular jump horse?

It's much simpler than that: bowImageOrWhatever.variable = "xyz";

However, add-ons are executed in reverse ABC order so you it has to be lower in the alphabet than the bow. Or you can simply put it in a script_ add-on because it will be both executed after weapon_ and vehicle_.
That method is simpler; my method is more thorough, reliable and, arguably, more convenient.


Ah, well good thing it only takes five minutes to change the name.

That method is simpler; my method is more thorough, reliable and, arguably, more convenient.
what is it lol

honestly just changing values is pretty reliable if you do it right

There is a rumor going around that you can prevent files being replaced by setting them to read-only. Apparently Badspot doesn't like this and silently deletes topics that mention it. Maybe if you pack the add-on to a zip-file and set it to read only you could stop the file downloading and prevent all this silliness?


  • Administrator
There is a rumor going around that you can prevent files being replaced by setting them to read-only. Apparently Badspot doesn't like this and silently deletes topics that mention it. Maybe if you pack the add-on to a zip-file and set it to read only you could stop the file downloading and prevent all this silliness?

If you do that, you WILL forget up the game.  What's going to happen is I'm going to have to make an update to one of the default add-ons and it's not going to work and everyone is going to blame me when it is really 100% your dumbass fault.  All I want to be able to do is update my own goddamn loving addons and friends like you ruin it all because you can't be bothered to learn how to program stuff properly.  Go ahead and do it but don't be surprised when future versions of the game tell you to forget off because your files are read-only.  

Apparently that's a big no-no. People are always searching for loopholes around the rules, aren't they?