Author Topic: Bobafet5 and his partner War Monger - Excessive Banning for no Reason  (Read 3538 times)

My friend, Bobafet5, started banning me for no reason. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. Conversation:
Me: Please, stop.
Boba: Ohh! Ohh! I'm gonna press ban! The temptation is too strong.
Me: Nonono, please don't.

Bobas bitch, War Monger, says "can i ban him tis tiem. or is he gonna stay".
Boba is also saying, "It is only 1 minute. Calm down. >:c" 9 times hes banned me for 1 minute, twice forever. Then he unbans me to just keep banning me. I know, it isn't THAT bad... but when he's saying, "Come to my server, not yours.", it pisses me off that he keeps banned me for no reason.

Wow first drama about me.. OK where to start.. First off it was a friendly Joke :/. You took it too seriously. Second, You were making fun of me on IRC and it started to get WAY outa hand. and honestly you are annoying. I remember your first account. ArfNarf which had like 5 dramas. You should think about this

Wow first drama about me.. OK where to start.. First off it was a friendly Joke :/. You took it too seriously. Second, You were making fun of me on IRC and it started to get WAY outa hand. and honestly you are annoying. I remember your first account. ArfNarf which had like 5 dramas. You should think about this
Maybe, just MAYBE, you shouldn't have been continuously banning him, which was probably extremely annoying, multiple times for stuffs and giggles?

Maybe, just MAYBE, you shouldn't have been continuously banning him, which was probably extremely annoying, multiple times for stuffs and giggles?
The whole thing IS a joke. After i banned him he would laugh. He was skyping with me at the time. If was no more than a friendly joke that he took to this point

First off it was a friendly Joke :/
it was a friendly Joke :/
a friendly Joke :/
Not in my books.

Second, You were making fun of me on IRC and it started to get WAY outa hand

That conversation was short and unrelated.

and honestly you are annoying.
You too, pal. -Freek.

I remember your first account. ArfNarf which had like 5 dramas. You should think about this
Yes. But I've changed. Anyways, read the old drama threads about me. Most comments were positive about me.

Not in my books.

That conversation was short and unrelated.
You too, pal. -Freek.
Yes. But I've changed. Anyways, read the old drama threads about me. Most comments were positive about me.

Unrelated? Not in my book* The way i remember it you went off on me and got me pissed. and FIRENDLY meaning it was not sarcastically.

Firendly? Atleast I can spell.

i do not understand
banned for stuffs and giggles what
two sides
entire thread

You aren't a good friend, boba.

Okay reread for the fifth time and now I understand.
Boba banned him for a loving joke and he got pissed off for it and all this bullstuff happened then drama.

this reminds me of a story

Once apon a time i was rebuilding a Huey i made to fit in with my freind Death match he was rigging a little bomb for people to toy with when someone started loving with the events i only looked once and not when he was rigging it to blow but i teleport in to see on his work and BAM Banhammered and then he started saying I WONT UNBAN YOU CUASE YOU MESSED WITH IT.

But yeah thats not nice

And I do have minor anger issues.

And I do have minor anger issues.

you and me both and i think we have the same problem in a way our freinds are being friends BUT THEN HE WOULDNT GIVE ME MY HUEY BACK! and has been inactive to make me mad cuase he has my updated version of my best build.

He is also building some gay build with buildings ripped from Afghanistan DM.

hur dur i bant u im so fune and its so hilarus!

no but seriously, bobafet is kinda stupid.