Author Topic: The "Am I the Only One..." Thread  (Read 12957 times)


am I the only one that dips their french fries in mashed potatoes


Am I the only one who likes orchestral?

Am I the only one who is the only one who has done the only one that can make THE ONE AND ONLY?

Am I the only one who is obsessed with ASDFmovie?

no, but i sort of wish you were.

am i the only one who taps their foot like Sonic whenever i'm standing still?


Am I the only one who likes freestyle funk/jazz?


Am I the only one who likes freestyle funk/jazz?
Nah, but I don't.
AM I the only one who can find the true answer to this question?


Am I the only one who refuses to eat fast food of any shape or form?


Am I the only one who thinks Sonic '06 was an awesome game?


am i the only one who thinks MW3 is a stuffty game?

i've never played it

am i the only one who likes to play floppy disk games on really old computers?

no i do that sometimes.

am i the only one who doesnt like jams?

Am i the only one who drinks chicken noodle soup out of the can

Am i the only one who doesn't know what fap means?

Google it
Am i the only one who sleeps with a hat on?