Author Topic: Blockland TF2 competitive Teams (Highlander and 6v6)  (Read 24957 times)

Bump, we now need a Medic, Regulith has quit.

Bump, we now need a Medic, Regulith has quit.
I got all Medic weapons, excluding the Vita-Saw.
(Will be available at nighttime and weekends.)

we have a match today, right?

Situation resolved, Dnitro is out medic for match tonight.

Good medics are rare.
Though most of the people like my medical skills. xD

If you ever consider me:

Pay me a visit. ^^

Oh, sorry, didn't know it started already.
Then this message might be a bit late. :P
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 05:23:48 PM by lordician »

There's still time to add people, I'll keep you in mind :D

There's still time to add people, I'll keep you in mind :D
Sure, i'll hear it if you need me.

Bump, you can watch us play our current match.

Great job guys, we just need to get some more practices up and we'll be good to go.

Awww we lost? :C
Come on guys, i expected better of you! ;P

Well, it was a stalemate

Time ran out with us having the final point about 80% captured