Author Topic: Clan[USSR] *new*  (Read 266983 times)

Bradnen, you just met me a week ago, why do you hate me so much :cookieMonster:

I don't hate you. Hah!
Yeah, the kicks/bans and the insults.

It's tough love baby :cookieMonster:

Some jack ass is going around With USSR Pippen calling ppl nub's and stuff, its bad for USSR. It better not be a USSR cover up =/

entrepreneur in isn't even in USSR.

Some jack ass is going around With USSR Pippen calling ppl nub's and ice cream, its bad for USSR. It better not be a USSR cover up =/
DO YOU SEE IT NOW! you may need glasses =o

Somoene get an ID number for me so i can blacklist him.

He's suppose to be an arse, he's a plumber!

Lol we are currently having an epic battle in wizz's basement on primary.  :cookieMonster:

Some jack ass is going around With USSR Pippen calling ppl nub's and ice cream, its bad for USSR. It better not be a USSR cover up =/
DO YOU SEE IT NOW! you may need glasses =o

I figured you just decided to spell it wrong for some stupid reason.

And I have glasses.

Not entrepreneur in, Pippin.

Somoene get an ID number for me so i can blacklist him.