Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Android - Welcome iOS users, good maps DO exist on Android...  (Read 19759 times)

Posting from my Samsung Galaxy S2

Only a few phones run Android without problems.

...which is why it's fragmented and unreliable as an OS.
AKA the problem is with the phones, not the OS. Try running iOS on a low-end android phone and you'll be even worse off.

N9 runs off of a basically dead OS
yeah i couldn't even recognize it.  what is it?

N9 runs off of a basically dead OS
Spec wise, it's more powerful, and as I posted on the last page, I want to get an ICS dual boot running. It's in the works over at NITDroid.

Spec wise, it's more powerful, and as I posted on the last page, I want to get an ICS dual boot running. It's in the works over at NITDroid.
NITDroid never worked any good for me. Animations would be extremely choppy, there would be 1-2 seconds lag on all UI interactions, phone would be broken, camera would be broken, etc.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 07:26:07 PM by DontCare4Free »

NITDroid never worked any good for me.
That's a fantastic result

NITDroid never worked any good for me.
NITDroid looks pretty dead eh

I'm a WP7 user. I haven't rebooted my phone in months.

Why would anyone reboot their phone other than the battery dying? Is it better for it or something :o

You typically have to reboot Android phones to keep them usable.

You typically have to reboot Android phones to keep them usable.
Ive had three and never had to reboot them

I literally do not know of a single Android user (and I used to be one) that hasn't rebooted in the past week.