Author Topic: Terry's Chocolate Orange, Help me break it.  (Read 13668 times)

So my mum came home and gave me a terry's chocolate orange, i smacked it against my table as it said on the packet 'Whack and unwrap' and opened it expecting all the segments to fall apart evenly, AND THEY DIDNT.

Now i am mad that something as simple as a TERRY'S CHOCOLATE ORANGE cant be broken by my desk, so members of the forums, think of the most imaginative (and possible) way of me breaking this chocolate orange and i shall do it :)

The only thing I can think of is a hammer, I've never had one that didn't break like it was meant to

Hammer to Chocolate

Hey, works for me all the time

So my mum came home and gave me a terry's chocolate orange,
i smacked it against my table
'Whack and unwrap'
TERRY'S CHOCOLATE ORANGE cant be broken by my desk
Oh god why

Hammer to Chocolate

That's not very imaginative,
I could tell my dog its a ball and get it to play fetch with it?
That's more imaginative

Smash it on a tuna jar.

throw it against a wall obviously

scratch that, use it to play baseball

Use it as a snowball or a baseball until it breaks

That's not very imaginative,
I could tell my dog its a ball and get it to play fetch with it?
That's more imaginative

But then it would be inedible AND you'd poison your dog

But then it would be inedible AND you'd poison your dog
Ah, didn't think that through properly did i?

Ah, didn't think that through properly did i?

Imagination, realism, efficiency and cost effectiveness.
The hammer is the penultimate result of considering all these factors

Climb to the top of your house, get a cannon or something, put the cannon on your roof aimed at the highest possible point, and then shoot it.