Author Topic: Your perfect game.  (Read 3706 times)

to me;
difficulty doesn't mean jack stuff
replayability is a must
controls are a must
realism depends on the genre
voices; who cares
music depends on the genre
story depends on the genre but is relatively important
gameplay is always nice to have

a game like garrysmod doesn't meet half of these requirements but yet I waste my time on it
same with tf2
it has no story
barely any realism
difficulty differs

realistic military shooters are stuff
have you ever played arma? (dont)
well it depends
I mean
in a military shooter I wouldn't want my character to have like 10 polys :L

Gameplay: I enjoy an original gameplay style. I also enjoy successful innovation.

Story: Hell, "Defeat the bad guy and save the princess" is a story. I like having incentive, and I don't care how cliché it is. If I'm going to save a princess from a fire-breathing dragon that I may marry her and restore peace to the mystical land of [stock fantasy setting], then that's just fine.

Graphics: As long as a bush isn't @ and a mine isn't a conglomeration of % and &, I'm fine with whatever they can throw at me.

Music: Fable. Enough said.

Difficulty: I enjoy a challenge, but I also like being able to go through a game without dying more than a few hundred times.

Voices: I like being immersed in my games; it's hard to be immersed in a game with the voice acting quality of a local car insurance commercial.

Realism: forget it. Up is down.

Replayabilty: I paid $60 for this game, I want to get my money's worth.

Controls: The single most important aspect of any video game is, of course, one's ability to play it.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 10:46:55 PM by Man 2 »

that's because you don't understand any of it lol
no it's because it's an unfun pile of stuff

no it's because it's an unfun pile of stuff
my tastes are superior

as said before, it matters on the game

Uncharted wouldn't be fun if it weren't for the fact it had a loving awesome story

Minecraft wouldn't be fun if it was as cinematic as Uncharted.

as said before, it matters on the game

Uncharted wouldn't be fun if it weren't for the fact it had a loving awesome story

Minecraft wouldn't be fun if it was as cinematic as Uncharted.

uhhh where is the multiplayer option

gameplay is #1

story is a nice bonus but meaningless in most of my games

graphics is important for immersion

music can define a game and one's memories of it, so it's extremely important.

difficultly should be challenging but not soul-crushing (i'm assuming that in this chart that the difficulty means "real" difficultly rather than fake difficultly. the more you go to the right, the more challenging it can be without just being fake). as such, i can deal with some fake difficultly.

voices are totally absent or atrocious in most of the games i play, i can live without them.

realism is totally meaningless in most of my games, save for my racing simulators

replayability is important; i usually avoid games that aren't very replayable.

controls should be intuitive.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2012, 09:28:28 PM by Saber15 »