Author Topic: Ron Paul Exposed As White Supremacist By Anonymous  (Read 13742 times)

I don't agree with the bill, but I also don't agree with the fact that we have to pay for it and they don't
Yeah, it sucks that everyone doesn't have the income potential to cover a million dollar surgery for the total reconstruction of one's intestines.

the whole system is just stupid
It's not, though. Stuff isn't free.

Our Declaration of Independence says that we have the right to life. If there is something that can be done to save someone's life in this country, our government is obligated to do it.

I don't know the specifics of Obama's Healthcare plan, but to spit in the face of globalized medicine is to spit in the face of life -- something antiabortionists run around spewing bullstuff about all the time. How can you be for one but not the other?

I don't agree with the bill, but I also don't agree with the fact that we have to pay for it and they don't
Blame the immigration laws being so backwards and handicapped. The US is one of the hardest countries to get citizenship in.

Soba be riding that Ron Paul rooster hard. I think he lacks a basic understanding of the way the world really works like much of the Ron Paul fanbase

Vladimir Putin for president

Soba be riding that Ron Paul rooster hard. I think he lacks a basic understanding of the way the world really works like much of the Ron Paul fanbase
Most of the Ron Paul fanbase is ranging from young teens to early 20's white kids so of course they won't know stuff about how the world works since its been candy coated since birth for them.

Most of the Ron Paul fanbase is ranging from young teens to early 20's white kids so of course they won't know stuff about how the world works since its been candy coated since birth for them.
It says you're 16, lol.

It says you're 16, lol.
Too bad I'm not reciting conspiracy theories that every Ron Paultard stuffs out everytime an argument arises.

I'd vote for Obama if I could vote

Our Declaration of Independence says that we have the right to life. If there is something that can be done to save someone's life in this country, our government is obligated to do it.

I'm pretty sure it means that we do not kill them or let others kill them, not be forced to protect them from every cause of death there is.

I'd vote for Obama if I could vote
So much this.
IMO all the remaining candidates besides Obama just seem bad.
*commence hate*

i think anarchy is the only system of government that works!