Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 434745 times)

Will any current slate builds work with the update?

Yes, they will.

Builds will not be affected in any way.

Holy moly. That's bloody amazing. I'll miss those good old days at the Kitchen, but it is, indeed, time to move on.

There should be a mass bedroom/ kitchen build transfer to slate, tohugh.

kompressor, just an idea, but when converting bedroom saves and stuff to slate saves, if you get the lowest point of the build (the baseplate) and drop that to Z-Level 0, anything constructed on a single plane (like the floor of the bedroom) will port over to this new construct map perfectly. There'll be some floaters if anything is built on the dresser and floor at the same time, but with some advanced algorithms you can drop all non-contiguous baseplates to Z-Level 0 as well.

In other words, stop freaking out over saves. It's totally possible to bring stuff over to a slate map.

(Subliminal Message: Please make dedicated saving a possibility this update. <3? )

kompressor, just an idea, but when converting bedroom saves and stuff to slate saves, if you get the lowest point of the build (the baseplate) and drop that to Z-Level 0, anything constructed on a single plane (like the floor of the bedroom) will port over to this new construct map perfectly. There'll be some floaters if anything is built on the dresser and floor at the same time, but with some advanced algorithms you can drop all non-contiguous baseplates to Z-Level 0 as well.

In other words, stop freaking out over saves. It's totally possible to bring stuff over to a slate map.

(Subliminal Message: Please make dedicated saving a possibility this update. <3? )
I would've personally just loaded my previous saves over into a slate world. (Assuming I can do that, for I don't know what happens to the folders that saves are in if their relevant map is removed)

And from there, I'd have used a duplicator to bring down all the floating pieces and put them down on the floor of Slate.
I obviously wouldn't be able to re-use them like I had them intended, but it'd be interesting and nice to have all my hard-work and favourite parts available for me to re-use or view when I like. (I like to get nostalgic over my old builds from time to time. :3)

I would even consider gathering all my old terrain/interior-map based saves, taking the best parts of them and putting them all together in a large museum build dedicated to my old works.
That might sound silly to anyone else, but I've got a lot of memory from building and roleplaying in builds, so I'd love to do something like that.
And I could give people tours. :3
Or just show off what I've done in the past.

At first, I was all "NOOOO!"

And then I thought some more... how often do I actually use terrain/interior maps?
And then, how often do I wish Blockland had realistic lighting, or at least Minecraft-like lighting?

And then I realized what an awesome change this will be.
I will always miss Bedroom, though. That one map held my first and best memories with Blockland.

kompressor, just an idea, but when converting bedroom saves and stuff to slate saves, if you get the lowest point of the build (the baseplate) and drop that to Z-Level 0, anything constructed on a single plane (like the floor of the bedroom) will port over to this new construct map perfectly. There'll be some floaters if anything is built on the dresser and floor at the same time, but with some advanced algorithms you can drop all non-contiguous baseplates to Z-Level 0 as well.
I'm pretty sure Blockland has done this since v9.

I'm pretty sure Blockland has done this since v9.
blockland has never done this what

I'm pretty sure Blockland has done this since v9.
lol what I think you're confusing the fact that the floor of the bedroom is at the same level as slate.

lol what I think you're confusing the fact that the floor of the bedroom is at the same level as slate.

No. The lowest brick of a save is the same level as slate. If you had a build on the floor of Bedroom but you had buildings on the grass outside then those grass buildings would be on the ground of slate and the floor buildings would be high up in the sky.

The problem of transferring bedroom saves to slate is really a non-issue. Just get Duplicator and you'll be fine.

Just get Duplicator and you'll be fine.

Well, we've all got to get our gear in shape before this update, won't we?

So, does this mean we can get day/night cycles then or what?

No. The lowest brick of a save is the same level as slate.

I just tried to load a save from Neib's Model Houseon to Slate. All the bricks were on the shelves and when I loaded it they were at the same elevation. :c

So, does this mean we can get day/night cycles then or what?
You can do that now anyways, but in later updates it may work a lot better and be a lot cooler.

You can do that now anyways, but in later updates it may work a lot better and be a lot cooler.
Well, yeah, you don't have to worry about messy terrain and interior relighting.

Are there any plans to include HD textures and skyboxes to look the same level as everything else?

What if kompressor actually has the update ready and is just forcing us to wait till a certain day?

/conspiracy keanu