Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 460898 times)

Things like this

We'll see what's possible once it is out. -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 02:56:16 AM by kompressor »


Holy forget at this first one. kompressor, could you imagine that being possible with this? Like, go "Hmm, perhaps." That looks COMPLETELY insane, but also... might pass some limitations... Wow...

If we could use that one shader mod from GTA4.


This is an engine change not a mod right? So it's right to assume that
Things like this
won't happen. Although visually entertaining it doesn't serve any purpose and thus we won't see anything like that in Blockland. What kompressor is doing here is what I've wanted to see in Blockland for a very long time and I'm happy to see it's realization.

Hope Blockland uses almost interchangeable vsh files for shaders. See if I can jam this Acid Trip shader in there lazily and break my game fast enough.

This is an engine change not a mod right? So it's right to assume that  won't happen. Although visually entertaining it doesn't serve any purpose and thus we won't see anything like that in Blockland. What kompressor is doing here is what I've wanted to see in Blockland for a very long time and I'm happy to see it's realization.
I was actually asking for the ability to mod our own shaders in. There's also a cel-shade shader which I think would fit quite nicley.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 03:11:56 AM by Mecha »

Sure it would be great to have a way to plug our own shaders into the engine but I imagine that would be client-side anyways if at all achievable.

So has development on any other features been put on hold till this 'shadow' update is completed or are you working concurrently?

How will this work with Kalphiter's Elevators?



I'm sorry, but I'm too astonished not to point this out: You actually managed to stop this topic cold. I don't even think this statement should be presented as an insult, I'm actually impressed by this. Wow.

Sure it would be great to have a way to plug our own shaders into the engine but I imagine that would be client-side anyways if at all achievable.
Well, shaders are a part of the rendering, and thus would be clientside, yes. The acid trip shader shown above deforms vertex positions but the objects aren't at all altered; assuming we can put our own GLSL shaders in at all, that would be possible. And hilarious.

If we can turn specific shaders on and off at runtime, commandtoclient('getrealhigh') will be happening. I guarantee it.

So will my computer run Blockland faster or slower? Bacause it looks like it would run a forgetton slower.
Also my computer can barly run Blockland aready.

Oops, I can't ask that.
Well forget, I need a new loving computer.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 05:32:05 AM by popman98 »

Most terrains were clunky and just made building difficult, i welcome this new age in Blockland history.

Also will the default saves like demo house and whatnot that are in bedroom/kitchen/that stuff still be there for us/people who download Blockland after the update?

I hope there will be a way to make proper hills that even vehicles can drive on without glitching. Otherwise vehicles would be useless.

Most terrains were clunky and just made building difficult, i welcome this new age in Blockland history.

Also will the default saves like demo house and whatnot that are in bedroom/kitchen/that stuff still be there for us/people who download Blockland after the update?

The bedroom floor is at the same height as slate, so I think all the "floor saves" will still be there.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 05:32:25 AM by popman98 »