Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 458015 times)

Or you can try typing something comprehensible.
I'm still thinking if I should do it I like blockland but I dislike this up date

 seems like it was ment for low grafics they were low so you can even have that may thing at once
Also the maps I found vary crative like BuildLand 4 & TankBattlefeild v10
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 09:07:31 AM by Tic-toc26 »

For Q & A
Will they EVER come back?

I don't care If it's the 10th up date from now
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 09:15:04 AM by Tic-toc26 »

whoever says that i handicapped. it doesn't work like that anyway. people won't be forced to be creative and you don't need a slate map to be creative. people aren't all of a sudden gonna panic and be forced to make amazing structures to compete in some building race.

people won't be forced to be creative, they will just flop and be lost under those who already are.

Indeed. Well said.

Well everyone is saying how terrains and interiors is stopping people from building amazing structures. I think they just want to find more reasons to remove terrains and interiors.
to advance the engine further is plenty enough reason for me.

I don't think terrains and interiors are stopping people. Heed is right, this ain't gonna make people any more creative.

Wanna know what's stopping me?

1. A bizarre rendering error, that nobody else has ever EVER commented  on, that keeps me from loading larger saves. I crash when I load the bedroom :/
2. Nobody has made the Wedge Ramps Pack yet, and until they do, I can't build my space station.
3. Inability to finish it on another persons server before it gets removed
4. Short attention span.

Also, sometimes ideas for builds come directly from their integration with existing terrain. For example, that Worlds map. Instead of having certain pit parts be lava, I had the bright idea to make them a set of tunnels below the ground. All the ground except the entry points looked level, but underneath, it was secretly cool.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 04:28:47 PM by kompressor »

Kompressor keeps saying that won't happen in this update and that this update is about graphics ONLY. You can hope for the future, but at the moment I doubt it.
well yeah i wasn't really specifying any time the update would come, but there's a pretty good chance it will come eventually, some time if they aren't stupid and have been completely ignoring the community.

Guys. The bedroom isn't gone. Someone (Zor?) built it.

Wrong size, wrong position, looks ugly, doesn't look the same, the brick carpet overlaps existing builds from the bedroom, etc.

All I could think of:

I personally agree with Tony,

removing the interiors will remove the cosy-feel that Blockland always had. It is not the same to build on a flat, open and never-ending plane than to build inside a warm-looking bedroom. It is what gives Blockland the true feel of playing with "Lego".

I am not against the fact that removing interiors and terrain will allow for faster development, I completely understand this and would trade interiors and terrain for it. However, what gets me annoyed is that the game developers are removing interiors and terrain as if they don't play an important role to the game - they do, they play a huge role in the fantastic gameplay of Blockland, which is to be able to pick a desired location to build on.

I am almost certain that there is a way, not to keep the current system for interiors and terrain because from what I hear their code is messy and works horribly, but to create a new, custom and easy system to allow users to create interiors for Blockland. I hardly know anything about game development and coding, but I am sure that with a little work this can be implemented.

This is not a request OR a complaint, just my personal views on the subject.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 02:55:58 PM by General »

It doesn't matter how many people say that terrains and interiors are holding the game back, what matters is that they are holding the game back. Yeah, no one complained about them holding the game back before, but that's because we didn't know. No one ever noticed that most of the updates were just Add-Ons, and not "advanced" updates like the Events System and Brick Physics. But now, it is apparent that Badspot and kompressor are fed up with these two features since they make it harder for them to produce things for the game.

The only reason a bunch of people use that argument, is because in most situations where someone is bashing the new update, they are oblivious to the rest of the update. They think it's only for shadows, and have no idea what the problems with terrains and interiors are.

There isn't exactly a public roadmap of features Badspot or Kompressor have planned, and by definition, the ones that couldn't be put in because of interiors probably haven't been talked about, so yes, we're going to have to take Kompressor's word over that of a disgruntled mapper.

On the bright side, we can make stone henge.  :cookieMonster:

Who the hell would want to build inside of a build anyway?
Not sure if you're trolling but I agree. Why would you want to?


I made another fanart picture.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 07:50:11 PM by dargereldren »