

I am against this update!
I am excited for this update!

Author Topic: v21 Update Petition  (Read 16653 times)

God forbid you should have to build something in Blockland

I know right? For a game called Blockland, who would've thought you would have to build?

I hate building, making interiors is a much better alternative and they should not be removed. This petition shall succeed and we will have the perfect game with our interiors!

I know right? For a game called Blockland, who would've thought you would have to build?

I hate building, making interiors is a much better alternative and they should not be removed. This petition shall succeed and we will have the perfect game with our interiors!

Let us leave these barbaric brick builders and create our own game. We shall name it Interior Land!

Let us leave these barbaric brick builders and create our own game. We shall name it Interior Land!

I think LudditeLand would be more appropriate

Let us leave these barbaric brick builders and create our own game. We shall name it Interior Land!
I lol'd a bit. :3

Let us leave these barbaric brick builders and create our own game. We shall name it Interior Land!

I say, that is a very admirable conclusion, my acquaintance. Let these simple-men rabble about and be 'creative'.

God forbid you should have to build something in Blockland

sums up the entire group of people who don't want the update to happen

Petitioning this update is a really bad idea.

Okay so you don't care about some shadows. We get it.
But that still doesn't mean we should keep interiors and terrains.

They are in the way of a lot of future updates.
Stop being clingy and let the game develop.

Petitioning this update is a really bad idea.

Okay so you don't care about some shadows. We get it.
But that still doesn't mean we should keep interiors and terrains.

They are in the way of a lot of future updates.
Stop being clingy and let the game develop.

Chrono you're wasting your time. These guys apparently have the idea that petitioning actually does something, and anyone be damned if they say otherwise.

Chrono you're wasting your time. These guys apparently have the idea that petitioning actually does something, and anyone be damned if they say otherwise.
Well what I have to say is...

If they want to keep an older version of the game and never update, let them. I'd rather not play with people who want to keep the game how it is, because I'd rather ditch a couple of bad features than have to deal with the number of problems I encounter daily.

At first I disliked the initial idea of the update.
Not the actual having Shadows and shaders, but the removing of interiors and terrains.

But then I realised that overall, I probably only use a few maps ever for building things on.
If ever I use a terrain/interior map to build something, I don't get an idea of what to build then think I should build it on that map.
I will instead normally find an interesting map and then think of something to build on it.
And that's produced limited use of interior/terrain maps.

For about 95~% of all builds I've done, they've all be based on a slate/plate/construct map.
Interiors and things can look pretty cool, but they're not really useful for building on.
I've never built on the slopes because of the sole reason of having to use a baseplate wedged into the ground.
I only ever choose terrain maps which are themed, such as a tropical/desert island, and only if they have ample flat-ground for building.
I've not built anything proper on the Bedroom map in over a year. And most of those things could've been built on a slate map or didn't necesarilly need the bedroom as its map.
And I've never built anything in the Kitchen that was good.
The last thing I probably properly built in the kitchen was some silly little house back in 2008 when I first bought the game.

For me, the loss of interior/terrain maps won't affect me much.
Sure, I liked a ski on the slopes every now and then, but I never used it properly.
The Bedroom map has a lot of memories for me. But nothing I ever really built in there made me proud of my ability.
All my properly creative and best builds (Both in my opinion and others) have been built on a slate-style map.
I'll say goodbye to those few good things I did on terrain maps, I'll try and save the individual buildings as memories, but I don't mind.

Overall, I daresay that most people longsince stop using interior/terrain (Interior mainly) maps once they've been on the game for a while and get into building.
And the new shadows/shaders are interesting, new and fancy. Something that I haven't really seen happen within a Blockland Add-On in forever. Yeah, I've seen events come in and physics bricks, but they weren't quite as much of a change to the feel of Blockland as this will be.

I also love all these update-topics because I can write long boring posts. :D

Honestly I don't really like using terrain and interior maps. I usually use a Slate edit or Adjustable Plate.

Oh god, what's gonna happen to Adjustable Plate?!

Honestly I don't really like using terrain and interior maps. I usually use a Slate edit or Adjustable Plate.

Oh god, what's gonna happen to Adjustable Plate?!
Only think that should be changed is the plate itself. Not sure about the adjustable stuff though.

Oh god, what's gonna happen to Adjustable Plate?!
Depends. If we still pick maps on server creation, then Adj Plate is gonna be the most overused map ever.

If not, then I'm sure they'll have options for customizing the sun/sky/ground as we're starting the server.

Nobot, I don't even have to say anything, because the first quote (the one from you) on here is totally correct!

I don't think you guys understand. Now a days all people care about is how the game looks. For goodness sakes it's a game that consists of blocks! You shouldn't care about how it looks! Honestly this is my opinion but losing terrains and interiors would be a huge loss. I realize that it's a "building game", and you're supposed to build. But really, building is enjoyable and fun, but sometimes people just don't want to build. They want to do something like ski on the Slopes or do something in bedroom or anything else! Shadows are just ruining the game. If they could of kept the terrains and interiors while adding the shadows that wouldn't matter. But if you're actually taking out a big part of Blockland just to make the game look good then that's a mistake. Most of you guys are saying you want the update because all of you just care about this game looking so amazing with shaders and shadows, and not caring about the fact that in the future you'll regret. I'm pretty sure that Blockland is going to lose most of it's enjoyable content with this update. But seriously guys, would you rather have Blockland become graphically better than have it lose fun content? We went years and years without caring about the look of Blockland. But just because of this update we are all arguing about it. I stand as one person saying this but, "I absolutely don't want this update". I don't care what anybody else thinks because you'll soon realize that you've made a mistake wanting this update.

P.S. You can also say goodbye to half the servers that you enjoyed playing.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 07:10:12 PM by Kazami »